diadelosmuertosShown is just one small part of the many meaningful pieces of the community ofrenda on display at Diana Ingalls Leyba’s Studio and Gallery.“When I am asked why so many marigolds line the window ledge I say they are becoming something else. Road maps for the dead who will be arriving the end of the month”... “While we arrange the favorite photographs, set out cake on white plates, they wait in the shadows, hoping to see us at eventide’...exerts from a poem titled “Day of the Dead” by Marilyn Robertson 

The time has come for the annual Dia de los Muertos days of remembrance and building of ofrendas and alters to honor those family and friends that have gone before.

Colorful marigolds, photos  and sugar skulls are often featured along with so much more. This is a special time in our community and great effort has been put forth in these difficult days for the continuance this important cultural event.

Please consult the Silver City Dia de los Muertos facebook page for updates on what is evolving. On that facebook page you can also find a video featuring Nena Benavidez that will answer all of your questions and curiosity about building an ofrenda and the meaning and process behind what is created. There will also be a live virtual event scheduled for Friday October 30 at 5:30 p.m. that will feature Nena Benavidez and Dona Chickie Beltran giving a tour of their magnificent community ofrenda on display at Diana Ingalls Leyba’s Studio and Gallery on Bullard. This is a wonderful opportunity to hear a  creator of the ofrenda, Dona Chickie Beltran speak about this specific ofrenda as well as the tradition. Although this will not be an interactive presentation for questions and answers, questions may be submitted in advance through messanger or emailed to chickienea@gmail.com.  

On Sunday, November 1 at 2 p.m. there will be a live virtual procession for the visiting and blessing of ofrendas in our community. An annual event that brings the community together and the tradition being fulfilled by all who care to have their ofrenda’s included. Please contact Diana at 575-388-5725 if you have an ofrenda or wish to build an ofrenda and have it be part of the virtual procession. And then watch the procession live on the Silver City Dia de los Muertos facebook page!

The annual  themed art show is opening October 28 at Diana Ingalls Leba’s Studio and Gallery and promises to be a memorable one! This year’s exhibit is featuring the work of Kendra Milligan, Michelle Parlee, Tom Vaughan, Sandy Feutz, Gay Scheibl and Diana Ingalls Leyba. Stop in and check it out!

Other Dia de los Muerto events are evolving and check social media to stay updated. The Silver City Library is featuring the delightful artwork of youth in their Student Artwork 2020 exhibit. You can see the entries on their facebook page!  WNMU Miller Library is offering viewing of their ofrendas from October 30 through November 6. And there is a video being created of previous year’s parades and other surprises! Stay tuned through social media. This year is different but through hard work by some inspired folks and the addition and wonder of virtual media - it is happening!

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