[Editor's Note: Normally I would not even post this, because it so goes against the values given to us by God, our creator, which I strive to follow, albeit not always successfully. I do not support elective abortion for any reason. But because this governor is running for re-election, I want my readers to know that she wholeheartedly supports abortion for any reason even up to the time of birth. Does no one realize that abortion is the MURDER of a human being? And has no one noticed that everyone who supports abortion has already been born? What about the rights of the unborn? They are humans, don't they have rights?]

SANTA FE – Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham on Wednesday signed an executive order further expanding access to reproductive health care in the state of New Mexico, continuing to build on her efforts as governor to increase access to affordable health care, safeguard abortion access, and protect New Mexico health care providers.

The executive order designates $10 million of the governor's capital outlay funds for the development of a reproductive health care clinic in Doña Ana County, aimed at fortifying and expanding New Mexicans' access to the full spectrum of reproductive health care, including regular preventative care, family planning, prenatal care, labor and delivery, postpartum care and support, lactation counseling and support, abortion, and appropriate medical management of miscarriage and pregnancy loss.

The executive order also directs the Department of Health to develop a detailed plan to leverage resources to expand abortion access in rural and underserved parts of the state, work to make abortion medications available in state public health clinics, and to reduce wait times and increase access statewide. Finally, the order directs the Human Services Department to implement policies that improve that efficiency and sustainability of reproductive health care access in New Mexico.

"As more states move to restrict and prohibit access to reproductive care, New Mexico will continue to not only protect access to abortion, but to expand and strengthen reproductive health care throughout the state," said Gov. Lujan Grisham. "Today, I reaffirm my resolve to make sure that women and families in New Mexico – and beyond – are supported at every step of the way."

The governor signed the executive order alongside the New Mexico Commission on the Status of Women and state legislators.

"The New Mexico Commission on the Status of Women is dedicated to working to ensure the success, advancement, health, and equity of all New Mexican women," said commission chairwoman Lisa Curtis. "The Commission's work will continue with a focus on protecting access to safe abortion care, protecting health care providers, and expanding access to health care for the full spectrum of pregnancy care, with an emphasis on rural New Mexico. We are grateful to Gov. Lujan Grisham for resurrecting this important group and look forward to providing additional strategies for accomplishing increased availability of health care."

"The southern part of New Mexico has lacked access to the full spectrum of reproductive healthcare for generations. Directing money to help our southern New Mexico families is critical for patient care," said Kayla Herring, Director of Public Affairs for Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains. "Expanding access to abortion care is expanding access to the full spectrum of reproductive healthcare."

"Thank you to Gov. Lujan Grisham and the Commission on the Status of Women for your leadership to protect a person's right to access abortion care that is an essential part of reproductive health. New Mexico is committed to make sure that abortion care is safe and accessible in all areas of our state," said Sen. Linda Lopez. "Legislators are working with those on the front lines providing services, the Governor's staff and the Commission to develop necessary legislation for the upcoming 2023 Legislative Session to make sure that a person's dignity and autonomy are preserved in statute."

"Our governor is a public health champion who understands that abortion care is health care," said Rep. Joanne Ferrary. "We want to thank her for allocating money to southern New Mexico, which has great need for these services."

The executive order signed today builds on past action by Gov. Lujan Grisham to protect reproductive rights and support the rights of New Mexicans to make their own decisions without government interference. In 2021, Gov. Lujan Grisham enacted legislation sponsored by Sen. Lopez and Rep. Ferrary that repealed an antiquated state law that would have criminalized abortion providers upon the overturning of Roe v. Wade, ensuring continued abortion access throughout New Mexico and safeguarding the right of every New Mexican to make critical decisions about their own health and to decide for themselves and their families when to have children. In June, the governor signed an executive order that further safeguards access to reproductive health care and supports abortion providers in New Mexico, protecting medical providers from attempts at legal retribution and establishing that New Mexico will not entertain extradition attempts from other states related to receiving or providing reproductive services.

The executive order is attached to this release.

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