Category: Front Page News Front Page News
Published: 14 December 2021 14 December 2021

By Mary Alice Murphy

[Editor's Note: This is the fourth in a multi-part series of articles on the Grant County Commission work session on Dec. 7, 2021, and the regular meeting on Dec. 9, 2021. For previous articles, see the links at the bottom of this article.]

County Manager Tim Zamora, at the work session of the Grant County Commission on Dec. 7, 2021, reviewed the regular meeting agenda. He noted that a public hearing would take place on the county redistricting ordinance.

At the regular meeting on Dec. 9, 2021, no one gave testimony; the hearing was closed, and the commissioners approved the minor changes to the districts to make them more evenly distributed in population numbers.

"Next, we will have public input, the Gila Regional Medical Center update and elected officials' reports," Zamora continued.

With no public input, the commissioners heard the GRMC update, which can be read in part 2 of this series. Elected officials' reports were partly in part 2 and the rest in part 3.

After approval of minutes of recent meetings, commissioners went into the review of the regular meeting agenda.

County Financial Officer Linda Vasquez presented the financial report from Nov. 12-Dec. 2, 2021. Expenditures for the period totaled $1,829,381.46, which included one pay period of $212,721.84.

District 5 Commissioner Harry Browne noted that it looked like the ARPA (American Rescue Plan Act) funds were flowing. "Are we sending them to the entities directly?"

Vasquez said the county is sending them to the entities and they must report to the county on how they spend the funding.

District 3 Commissioner Alicia Edwards said she assumed they would have to show they spent the funding on what they asked for. "Can we have an accounting of the ARPA money that has been allocated and distributed?"

Vasquez said she would create a report.

Extraordinary expenses above $10,000 are included in the following chart:

Commissioners approved the financial report at the regular meeting.

Under agreements, the single item addressed a sub-recipient grant agreement from the 2021 State Homeland Security Grant Program, which provides funding for emergency management and radio and rapid response equipment for a total of $40,500.

Commissioners approved it at the regular meeting.

Under resolutions, the first addressed supporting the New Mexico Counties 2022 legislative priorities. Under House Bill 2 appropriations, NMC supports a detention reimbursement fund restoration to the original appropriation of $5 million, which was decreased to $2.3 million, "even though the NM Sentencing Commission estimates the state owes counties more than $8 million a year for holding state prisoners."

The second HB 2 appropriation would create a line item in the Department of Financial Administration budget with a suggested $750,000 to reimburse counties that provide transportation for state prisoners. "Counties should not have to pay for state prisoner extradition."

The third appropriation would make permanent and increase county participation in the RISE (Reach, Intervene, Support and Engage) Program.

Under the Law Enforcement Protection Fund, NMC recommends the state no longer take millions of dollars from the fund to help pay for other areas in state government. "The $5 million - $6 million that goes back into the General Fund should be going to local law enforcement agencies to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of law enforcement services."

Under Courthouse Funding, the NMC will work to ensure that a matching fund to help counties pay for construction and renovation of state district courthouses will have an initial capital outlay request of $50 million to $100 million. "This is another unfunded county mandate that we would like to alleviate in the future."

Edwards asked how the priorities are created.

District 1 Commissioner and Chair Chris Ponce said NMC looks at what counties are struggling with. "These items are beneficial to all counties."

Edwards said she didn't not support the priorities but noted that none addresses behavioral health. "The common theme on behavioral health is that the state is not taking it seriously enough, especially on the detention and law enforcement side. All those issues have a behavioral health basis." Ponce said he would get answers to the questions.

At the regular meeting the commissioners approved the NMC 2022 legislative priorities.

The next resolution concerned the budget adjustments amending the fiscal year 2022 approved budget. Vasquez listed the grant agreements and legislative appropriations and the expenses along with them that usually balanced out the changes.

Commissioners approved the budget adjustments at the regular meeting.

Under bids, Procurement Officer Randy Hernandez recommended the rejection of a rebid for jet-A fuel storage bulk loading system and facility improvements. "The first time we got no bids; this time we got two, but one withdrew its bid and the other was non-responsive to a request for a list of third-party contractors. Because we had no acceptable rebids, this allows us to find a contractor at the best available cost for one with the capabilities. Our engineering firm, Bohannon Huston and the airport have identified a potential contractor. I will reach out to Diamond, which withdrew its bid, to see what cost we can get. We know they have the capacity."

At the regular meeting, commissioners approved the rejection of the bid.

The commissioners convened as the Grant County Health Care Claims Board to accept the claims of $0. Ponce asked why they had to approve it. "I've never seen health care claims at $0."

Hernandez explained that the commissioners had to formally deny the two claims that were rejected, as the claims were made by a person who was no longer incarcerated.

At the regular meeting, commissioners approved the denial and approved the $0 in claims.

The next article will cover commissioner reports at the end of both meetings.

Links to previous meeting articles: ,, and