Hurley residents want Day gone and Ortiz resigns

By Lynn Janes

The town of Hurley held a regular meeting July 9, 2024. Attendance to the meeting included Mayor Ed Stevens, Mayor Pro Tem Nanette Day, councilors, Reynaldo Maynes, Keana Huerta and James Langley (online).

Public Input

George Moreno, committee chair, updated the council on the recreation project for the Big Muddy and the meetings that had taken place. They had a lot of discussion and had sent out flyers. which had brought 20 responses to date with feedback. Huerta, with the information gathered, will be contacting the engineers for some recommendations.

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Two Questions on the special election ballot causing confusion

By Mary Alice Murphy

[Author's Note: Calls to the Grant County Clerk's Office and the Assessor's Office only confused this writer. I corrected my first draft! Be aware of what the questions say. Do not rely on what others have told you. Think for yourself, and READ the language, even though it contorts the brain.]

This author's calls to the Clerk's Office and the Assessor's Office hopefully can help you a bit.

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Grant County Extension Agent Jessica Swapp Massengill receives national honor

swapp jessica2NMSU Grant County Extension is  pleased to announce that the local  Extension Agent, Jessica Swapp Massengill, has been honored with the National Association of County Agriculture Agents award for Audio Recordings with her podcast. This recognition is awarded by her peers in acknowledgment of Jessica's exceptional contributions to communications.

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ISC held a water planning open house in Silver City 072324

Photos (in slideshow at the bottom) and article by Mary Alice Murphy

The New Mexico Interstate Stream Commission's open house held at the Grant County Veterans Memorial Business and Conference Center on Tuesday, July 23, 2024, had already attracted 60 individuals when it still had almost two hours to go.

The survey on the statewide rate planning process and its decisions will impact every user of water, whether you own a farm, a garden, or simply use water to drink, cook with or bathe in. If you missed the in-person open house, the survey is available online [link below], with a deadline for Aug. 18, for everyone in the state to participate and give their feedback.

The purpose of the open house was to educate attendees and get their input on the water planning process going on at the state level.

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2024 State 4-H Conference Grant County participants and winners

By Allie Miller, 2024 Grant County 4-H Council Reporter, 16 years old.

The State 4-H Conference is an event where each Senior member of the youth in 4-H from each county around the state of New Mexico is given a chance to compete against others in various presentation and judging competitions. They compete as county teams and as individuals. Not only are they given the chance to compete, but each night they spend at the conference, they are given the chance to socialize and also unwind from the long and eventful days they spend there. This year, the 2024 State 4-H Conference was held July 8th - July 11th in Las Cruces, New Mexico. Eleven of our youth participated in judging contests, along with other 4-H youth from around the state of New Mexico.

Grant County did extremely well this year.

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Man battered and pepper-sprayed near Harbor Freight

By Roger Lanse

On Tuesday, July 16, 2024, at about 3:39 p.m., a Silver City Police Department officer was dispatched to Harbor Freight, 214 E. Highway 180, in reference to a battery. According to an SCPD incident report, when the officer arrived, he made contact with Michael Medina, 48, of Silver City while Santos Medina, 61, also of Silver City, was being treated by EMS.

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Silver Schools GO bond special election and taxpayer push back

By Lynn Janes

The Silver City Consolidated Schools held a work session and regular meeting, on July 15, 2024, at the Grant County Veterans Memorial Business and Conference Center. Members in attendance Ashley Montenegro, Patrick Cohn, Mike McMillan and Kimberly Klement. Superintendent William Hawkins also attended. Michelle Diaz didn’t attend.

Work session

Hawkins did a presentation on the GO (general obligation) bond. He provided slides of each point for the audience to see and expand on what he would be talking about.

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Cobre Schools hosts Summerfest 072024

Photos below by Mary Alice Murphy

The Cobre High School parking lot held a large number of school, vendor, and informational booths on Saturday, July 20, 2024. Parking for families and participants filled part of the lot and required people to park across the street at all the businesses facing the school. Students and families roamed the grounds finding out about organizations, while filling out a paper to prove they had visited the booths before receiving boxes of school supplies and other goodies. 

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