The mission of the Beat: To separate facts from opinion.
You want accurate, factual news about the activities and meetings around Grant County, New Mexico, including what takes pace in Silver City, Bayard, Santa Clara, Hurley, Mimbres, Cliff, Gila and Pinos Altos. You want to know what's happening. You'll find it on the Beat.
This editor/reporter, Mary Alice Murphy, has the meeting Beat. She attends public meetings and reports on them as comprehensively and accurately as she can. She also attends events.
Because we want to keep this online newspaper free to the public, yes, we need ads and donations to keep this effort going. For ad information, emailÂ
If you have something you want me to announce in this "e-newspaper," please email me at
I cannot guarantee coverage of your events. However, if you send me the information, I can post it to the Grant County Beat on the News Releases page or the Local Events page and the Calendar page. If you send me a photo and short write-up about the event after it happens, I'll post it on the Community Page.
I also welcome comments on the site, as well as on things that happen in the area. Email me at
As I endeavored to do during my tenure as a reporter at the Silver City Daily Press, I plan to continue to write balanced, factual articles on what is happening in Grant County.
The Grant County Beat wants to provide at least one source of local news for you, preferably your first choice of news.
Although this online "paper" continues to change, we plan to archive news items, so they will be available, if you want to check something that happened and when.
Disclaimer: As a freelancer, in addition to doing the Beat, I sometimes write reports and articles for other entities, such as I have done in the past, and may continue to do in the future, upon request. Â Occasionally, a person or entity will request an article that the person or entity wishes to use a portion of or all of for their own personal purposes, and for a set fee, I provide them that article for their files and use.
Disclaimer: Links on the Links page do not represent a revenue source, with the exception of  the Glenwood Gazette, which paid this website owner for freelance articles when it was still operating. The links are to entities, with which the owner of this website has a non-revenue relationship. Some links are to entities or agencies who have helped this website in building its business and may have received payments from this owner.Â
Freelancers who provide services to the Beat:
Mary Alice Murphy is founder/owner/editor and chief reporter of the Beat.
Hallie Richwine sometimes reports, but all the time, she manages the calendar, the updates, and posts everything the editor throws her way.
Roger Lanse takes care of the law enforcement blotters and writes freelance news articles.
Lynn Janes covers the Silver and Cobre  school board meetings, as well as the Silver City and Mining District municipal meetings, when recordings are made available.
You can find almost anything that you could find in a print newspaper on the Beat. The obituaries draw readers to "make sure they're not in them." We have featured articles, weather warnings, local news releases, announcements of local events, community news telling about local happenings, a comprehensive calendar, non-local news, editorials, pets to adopt, legal ads, classified ads and lots more. We encourage you to go exploring!
The Beat has a full array of columns, including political opinions, and practical advice and information.
My old MAM's musings has been recreated as Just Call Me MAM. It will cover my observations and be as frequently updated as I have time and new stories to recount.
Since it will be primarily I, Mary Alice Murphy, who will be attending meetings and reporting on them, I can't promise to cover everything.
Be aware that almost all front page news articles and photos are copyrighted by Mary Alice Murphy, Roger Lanse, Lynn Janes or Hallie Richwine. All the columnists' work is also copyrighted by the author. Some other photos may also be copyrighted, so PLEASE, if you want to use a photo or excerpt from an article for another use, ask permission by emailing
Mary Alice
About Mary Alice Murphy
Part I - History
Thanks to more than 30 years of writing news/press releases for volunteer organizations and submitting them to newspapers, in 2001, I was hired as a columnist and reporter/photographer for the Silver City Daily Press in Silver City, NM.
Part 2 - Recent Past
In 2007, I ceased working in the SCDP office and began a freelance career writing for the Daily Press and other publications. I had great fun and continued my career.
Part 3 - 2010
As of Sept. 1, 2010, I was "laid off" from the SCDP. It "fired up" my intention to continue to inform the local public about Grant County with my somewhat frequent articles. Since I would have no support from a newspaper, I decided to begin my own online e-newspaper to report meetings and features in Grant County that I had covered for the past nine years. The Beat was up and running on Sept. 4, 2010.
Part 4-Today
The Beat continues to bring you the most comprehensive and factual news it can.Â
Thanks to all the readers who continue to read and rely on the Beat's news, as readership continues to increase.