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{{/_source.additionalInfo}}We run a pretty lean but efficient operation here at the Beat, and we need your help to keep it that way. If you want to send a news release or article or community notice, etc., and have it posted on the Beat, here are the rules:
Next time you send us something and it violates these rules, we'll remind you. After that we'll send it back. We know you love the Beat, and we just need your help keeping it running efficiently. Thank you!!
You may always find these rules under About > Rules for Submission.
To submit a news release or calendar item to www.grantcountybeat.com,-?please send to
Questions, please email
The Beat totally appreciates when you send already completed ads for us to post.
But you must remember several tips:
1) Please keep it simple! The fewer words the better, What, when, where
2) Yes, we prefer receiving the ad in a larger size, so when we resize it in the smaller size, it is still clear and not fuzzy.
3) HOWEVER, even though you are sending the ad in the larger size, please made a copy, and downsize it, at 144 dpi (resolution) to the correct size it will be.
a) For example, if you have built it at 1200 X 1200 pixels for a square ad, downsize a COPY to 300X300 to make sure it is still readable.
b) If it is not easily readable, please go back and make the words larger.
 4) If you have all the elements that you want in the ad, I can build an ad for you, upon receipt of the graphics and text you want, at a basic cost of $25. It won't be fancy.
5) However, if I have to build it from scratch, the cost is an Extra $50, above the cost of the ad, because it takes time away from my writing articles. And I will still need to know the what, when and where, and preferably what type of graphics you would like.
All display ads link to your website or a Facebook address, that you must provide. Otherwise, it will link to an article or graphic that has details of the event, so people can get more information on what will happen.
Keep it simple!
1) All documents that are only words need to be in Word or text.
2) Photos should be .jpg format and not manipulated in any way, except for possible cropping. Send the original digital photo attached separately from the Word document.
3) Send to
4) Be sure to put contact information in case we have questions.
1) Do not send documents as PDFs unless they are flyers for an event.
2) Do not use fancy formatting in a Word document, because it gets deleted by the content management system.
3) Please put double spaces between paragraphs.
4) Do not put any words in all capital letters unless it is an acronym of something you have written earlier in the document with its full name..
6) Capitalize the first letter of only people names, place names, group names or agency names or the beginning of a sentence.
7) Never embed photos or graphics inside a Word document
8) Do not waste your precious time or mine on fancy graphics in a document when it may not transfer over to the website
Photo Captions:
Please provide captions that match the title of the photos, Captions must be in Word or text. They may be part of the original document, at the top or bottom of the document. Please number the jpg-format photos (and the captions) in the order you want them. For example: 01-George-Smith-speaking; 02-Marie-Jones-speaking, etc.
Editor's Note: These submission guidelines are preliminary and may be added to in the future.
WARNING: All articles and photos with a byline or photo credit are copyrighted to the author or photographer. You may not use any information found within the articles without asking permission AND giving attribution to the source. Photos can be requested and may incur a nominal fee for use personally or commercially.
Disclaimer: If you find errors in articles not written by the Beat team but sent to us from other content providers, please contact the writer, not the Beat. For example, obituaries are always provided by the funeral home or a family member. We can fix errors, but please give details on where the error is so we can find it. News releases from government and non-profit entities are posted generally without change, except for legal notices, which incur a small charge.
NOTE: If an article does not have a byline, it was written by someone not affiliated with the Beat and then sent to the Beat for posting.
Images: We have received complaints about large images blocking parts of other articles. If you encounter this problem, click on the title of the article you want to read and it will take you to that article's page, which shows only that article without any intruders.
New Columnists: The Beat continues to bring you new columnists. And check out the old faithfuls who continue to provide content.
Newsletter: If you opt in to the Join GCB Three Times Weekly Updates option above this to the right, you will be subscribed to email notifications with links to recently posted articles.
It has come to this editor's attention that people are sending information to the Grant County Beat Facebook page. Please be aware that the editor does not regularly monitor the page. If you have items you want to send to the editor, please send them to editor@grantcountybeat.com. Thanks!
Here for YOU: Consider the Beat your DAILY newspaper for up-to-date information about Grant County. It's at your fingertips! One Click to Local News. Thanks for your support for and your readership of Grant County's online news source—www.grantcountybeat.com
Feel free to notify editor@grantcountybeat.com if you notice any technical problems on the site. Your convenience is my desire for the Beat. The Beat totally appreciates its readers and subscribers!
Compliance: Because you are an esteemed member of The Grant County Beat readership, be assured that we at the Beat continue to do everything we can to be in full compliance with GDPR and pertinent US law, so that the information you have chosen to give to us cannot be compromised.
Those new to providing news releases to the Beat are asked to please check out submission guidelines at https://www.grantcountybeat.com/about/submissions. They are for your information to make life easier on the readers, as well as for the editor.
Advertising: Don't forget to tell advertisers that you saw their ads on the Beat.
Classifieds: We have changed Classifieds to a simpler option. Check periodically to see if any new ones have popped up. Send your information to editor@grantcountybeat.com and we will post it as soon as we can. Instructions and prices are on the page.