Pearce Office Facilitates New Mexico's Classification As Bovine Tuberculosis Free State

Washington, DC (October 5, 2011)  Today, Congressman Steve Pearce gave the following statement in


Staged Reading of River Girl will be performed at the SC Museum Annex

A staged reading of "River Girl" will be performed at the SC Museum Annex at 302 W. Broadway on


Silver City Museum offers Fall Break Craft Classes with the theme of Dia de los Muertos

Fall Break Craft Classes:
Dia de los Muertos
Tuesday Oct. 11 - Friday Oct. 14, 2011 10am-12 noon...

Silver City Police Department Reports for 9/30/2011-10/3/2011

Snappy Mart, 12th Street
Young male and female took a large bag of beef jerky


U.S. Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works

“Oversight Hearing on Federal Actions to Clean Up Contamination
from Legacy Uranium Mining and


Specials for Weekend at the Galleries participants

3065 Lois_1011b     Special for all WAG participants! Anyone coming to the Red Barn Steakhouse ...

Fun Car Cozy will be at the Silver City Fiber Arts Festival

3064 car_cozy The Silver City Fiber Arts Festival will be held November 11-12, 2011 at the Grant County


Bingaman & Udall Announce Proposal To Provide Millions For New Mexico Counties



House Committee Passes Border Security Bill

WASHINGTON- The House Natural Resources Committee today passed the National Security and Federal Lands


Silver City-Grant County TEA Party Patriots to hear talk on regulatory services at PNM

Gerald Ortiz, Executive Director of NM Retail Regulatory Services at PNM,  will speak at the next


Governor Susana Martinez Signs In-State Preference Bill

ALBUQUERQUE - Governor Susana Martinez visited Jaynes Corporation in Albuquerque today to announce


Silver City Museum Will Host Weekend at the Galleries Guest Artisans Many Nations, Storytelling, Family Activities and a Staged Play Reading for First Friday

3025 Rosalie_Baker_and_Oneida_brother_Bob_AtzchiguetteCourtesy Photo: Rosalie Baker and Oneida artisan Bob Atzchiguette

Friday, October 7, 5-8 pm




Habitat for Humanity will hold demonstration workshop on wet-spray cellulose

On Saturday, October 8, Habitat for Humanity-Gila Region will sponsor a demonstration workshop on


State Engineer John D'Antonio Says Farewell to New Mexico's Top Water Position

(SANTA FE, New Mexico) --State Engineer John D'Antonio Tuesday announced his resignation after


Congressman Pearce To Attend Public Meeting With Border Patrol Chief

 Animas, NM Congressman Steve Pearce will attend a public meeting with the Border Patrol Division


WAG event will feature La Esperanza Vineyard and Winery wines

La Esperanza Vineyard and Winery is excited to announce we will be serving our wines at the


Grant County Sheriff’s Report 9/30/11-10/2/11



Missing Persons

KOA Campground, Hwy 180 E.

Caller's husband and friend are not home yet.


Silver City Police Department Reports for 9/26/2011-9/30/2011

Bosworth Drive
Caller reports that a camper trailer was broken into over the


Governor Susana Martinez Thanks State Engineer John D’Antonio for His Service to New Mexico

SANTA FE - Governor Susana Martinez made the following statement after State Engineer John


Two upcoming WILL events

Wednesday, October 5
LUNCH AND LEARN, 12 Noon, WNMU Global Resource Center ABC Room, 12th &


Rolling Stones Awards Funds to GCEC

The Rolling Stones Gem & Mineral Society's  Board recently awarded Gila Conservation Education


SC Museum presents Baseball in the Centennial Era

3045 2011.10_Brown_Bag_release_image_00382_SCM_Collection

            The Silver City Museum Brown Bag lunch program will pay tribute to our region's rich baseball


Sportsmens Club Donates To Police Academy

3044 sportsmensclub

Pictured is WNMU Professor Steve Chavez, right, accepting a check from Sportsmen's Club member


Win a Ride in the NM Centennial Hot Air Balloon

3043 DSC_0140.104542

Enter to win a ride in the NM Centennial hot air balloon, courtesy of Rainbow Ryders. Raffle


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