
"Go Natural for Good Health"

In the decade between the 1980s and 1990s, Nancy Pidutti wrote many local health columns. Later, she wrote a two-and-a-half year, monthly health newsletter, called “Let’s Be Healthy.”

She will be sharing some updated versions from her newsletter on a wide variety of topics.

You might find her newest book, “How to Stay Healthy in a World Gone Mad: A Handbook for Kingdom Living,” an interesting addition to these columns.

The Paradox of Pyridoxine B 6)

Most people haven't heard that Vitamin B 6 exists. However, according to it's involved in over 100 enzyme processes in your body. They're mainly related to the way your body uses and metabolizes protein, as well as certain carbs and fats.

B 6 strengthens your immune system by helping produce white blood cells and hemoglobin in red blood cells. The particular WBC are those that remove viruses and bacteria. The hemoglobin in RBC, on the other hand, are the oxygen carriers to your cells. As hemoglobin passes into the cell, the cell releases carbon dioxide, which is then carried back to the lungs where it's expelled in your breath.

Remember, I've told you that it's best to take the B family together because they are interdependent? There are several Bs that help maintain proper heart function. Each has a specific action, and by working as a team, they are much more effective and efficient. B6 is one of the team.

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Put a B in Your Bonnet For Mental Clarity

We don't hear much about Vitamin B 5 or pantothenic acid. However, it's important to your health and wholeness in a wide variety of ways. Without it, you will have difficulty digesting and getting the good from protein, carbs or carbohydrates as well as fats. That touches all of the real food that you eat.

Every food or nutrient has a huge repertoire of things it does in and for the body. They all break down into natural chemicals. The body recognizes these but does not always know what to do with the synthetic ones in processed foods. It will try to detox them, but some get stored in fat. That can create toxic reactions down the road.

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Body Builders: Did You Know That Niacin Builds Healthy Muscles?

Many big Pharma commercials start their ads by asking you if you have any of the symptoms that require their drug. I'm not pushing drugs, but suggesting foods that contain certain nutrients your body needs.

Our bodies are extremely complex beyond our full understanding. Every year, new things are revealed as researchers plumb the depths of its intricacies. When I was in nursing school decades ago, our anatomy book gave us an understanding of the scientists of the 1950s. The anatomy books of today are more like encyclopedias of information by comparison.

I'm going to share with you some of your body needs for niacin which is one of the B complex vitamins. It's vital to your health. So, let's start by looking at a list of symptoms of deficiency. See if you can relate to any of these.

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Can Vitamin D3 Prevent or Help Heal Cancer?

We've been exploring the amazing benefits of Vitamin D3 to our bodies. This is another profound issue as the past couple of years have weakened our immune systems making many people more vulnerable to such things as auto-immune disorders and cancer.

If the immune system is compromised, the body is less able to deal with the process of oxidation which can set the body up for the invasion of cancer cells. Oxidation is to the body what rust is to iron.

While our body needs oxygen, when the molecules are not in a proper ratio, the result is an electron dance that causes harmful molecules (free radicals) to be deposited in the arteries of the heart, brain, or other organs. It's like a sludge that can narrow blood vessels, limiting the passage of nutrients in and toxins out of the cells.

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Exploring Vitamin D3’s Amazing Abilities

Vitamin D3 has been called the “Sunshine Vitamin” with good reason. We looked at how it changes cholesterol into a form of this vitamin that is then used in many ways in the body. Today, we’ll look at some other benefits.

Aging: featured a study of people in the United States and the United Kingdom who were taking Vitamin D. It suggested that this vitamin had the most proven benefits over other vitamins. In fact, the UK government believed, based on the evidence, that every adult should take this as a supplement for at least half of the year.

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Can Vitamin D3 Help Your Weather-Related Joint Pain?

Since we've turned to the New Year, many of us are experiencing cold and snow. If that's you, you may have noticed that your joints are fussing more than usual. There are several reasons for that.

Atmospheric pressure can cause tendons, joints, and ligaments to expand slightly. That can cause pressure on nerves which translates to pain. Scientists can't determine exactly how temperature, humidity, and outside pressure can cause joint discomfort to increase, but many people notice the difference. When I was young, I recall adults saying they could predict the weather according to how their joints were reacting.

Today, we'll look at some things that may be helpful. In weather changes, most people tend to stay inside at home, work, classes, etc. Depending on where a person lives, they may not see much sunshine for days. The sun warms body parts and transfers its energy to tiny oil glands in the skin. However, in winter, most people don't expose much of their body to the sun.

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Fake Milk From Fake "Cows"

The efforts to control the world population has taken some very devious turns. I just read about fake milk. If you are a fake person, I'm sure it's OK for you to consume it. However, if you are real, please read labels and just say "NO!"

I would much rather write about vitamins, minerals, nutrients, and supplements. However, with the move to control our food chains, it's becoming important to alert you to these changes so you can make moves to protect your family's health and your own.

The Defender is a champion for the American people. They expose the nefarious plans of mad scientists who are paid by those who want to take away our options for healthy food. Susan Burdick, PhD, is a researcher and reporter for this trustworthy site.

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Lecithin Is Your Unseen Friend

Choline and inositol are two members of the B complex family that are needed in order to manufacture lecithin in the body. Soy lecithin contains both choline and inositol, but much of our soy is genetically modified, so it's not the best choice.

Lecithin is found in egg yolks and sunflower seeds. Most people don't usually eat sunflower seeds, but they are great for you if you eat them raw and hulled. Some people are concerned about the cholesterol in egg yolks, but the lecithin in them helps the body use the yolk without elevating cholesterol. (Caveat: eating them within reason, is a good idea.)

One of choline's primary jobs is to help the body deal with fats. When you eat fatty foods, choline prevents them from accumulating in the liver. Nobody wants a fatty liver! As a Chaplain, I've wondered if people diagnosed with fatty liver were, in reality, short of choline.

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