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{{/_source.additionalInfo}}The full title of this column is-?Peirspictiochtai Ar An Saol, which is Gaelic for Perspectives on Life, written by Richard McDonough. It will show up on Wednesdays, but the first one is coming on Wednesday, Jan. 10, 2024.
Peirspictiochtai Ar An Saol
Image was provided courtesy of the Forest Service of the United States Department of Agriculture, 2020.
Today is Juneteenth.
A number of people will celebrate this holiday with family and friends. Americans of all races, ethnicities, and religious faiths, among other aspects of their lives, will take time to remember. Many African Americans will recall the bonds of slavery that some of their ancestors endured in the United States of America.
During the next few days, Peirspictiochtai Ar An Saol will detail aspects of the history of emancipation of slaves in the United States of America. This five-part series will detail what the Emancipation Proclamation did and did not do; When one of the first celebrations of emancipation by freed slaves took place; What the 13th Amendment to the U S Constitution did and did not do regarding slavery; When slavery was abolished in the entire country.
Peirspictiochtai Ar An Saol
Options To Update Immigration Policies Into The United States Of America
Part Seven
During the past few weeks, Peirspictiochtai Ar An Saol detailed a variety of ways that the United States of America could update the country's policies regarding immigration into this nation.
Examples were provided showing how American land could be leased permanently to another nation; how pregnant women nearing their times of giving birth as well as others needing immediate medical care could be provided with that needed assistance in a humane manner; how babies born to those pregnant women would not attain American citizenship because the babies were never under the jurisdiction of the United States; how people could be transported in vehicles to, from, and within the United States of America without impacting their immigration status or their citizenship because they were not subject to American laws; how people legitimately seeking asylum could be housed in safe areas while their individual cases were reviewed based on a timetable set by the United States; how the country could effectively stop individuals not approved for entry into the United States from ever being under the jurisdiction of the United States; and how the United States could reassert its authority to determine entry by non-citizens into the country.
Peirspictiochtai Ar An Saol
Options to Update Immigration Policies into the United States Of America
Part Six
In Part One of a series of news columns detailing options to update policies regarding immigration into the United States Of America, Peirspictiochtai Ar An Saol noted that land within the United States of America could potentially be leased permanently to another independent nation.
In Part Two of this series, Peirspictiochtai Ar An Saol detailed how certain people are able to be transported in vehicles to, from, and within the United States of America and yet not be subject to American laws.
Peirspictiochtai Ar An Saol
Options To Update Immigration Policies Into The United States Of America
Part Five
In Part One of a series of news columns detailing options to update policies regarding immigration into the United States Of America, Peirspictiochtai Ar An Saol noted that land within the United States of America could potentially be leased permanently to another independent nation.
In Part Two of this series, Peirspictiochtai Ar An Saol detailed how certain people are able to be transported in vehicles to, from, and within the United States of America and yet not be subject to American laws.
Peirspictiochtai Ar An Saol
Options To Update Immigration Policies Into The United States Of America
Part Four
In Part One of a series of news columns detailing options to update policies regarding immigration into the United States Of America, Peirspictiochtai Ar An Saol noted that land within the United States of America could potentially be leased permanently to another independent nation.
In Part Two of this series, Peirspictiochtai Ar An Saol detailed how certain people are able to be transported in vehicles to, from, and within the United States of America and yet not be subject to American laws.
Peirspictiochtai Ar An Saol
Options To Update Immigration Policies Into The United States Of America
Part Three
The first page of the United States House of Representatives Joint Resolution Proposing the 14th Amendment to the U S Constitution. (This document was provided courtesy of The U S National Archives and Records Administration, June 16, 1866.)
In Part One of a series of news columns detailing options to update policies regarding immigration into the United States Of America, Peirspictiochtai Ar An Saol noted that land within the United States of America could potentially be leased permanently to another independent nation.
Peirspictiochtai Ar An Saol
Options To Update Immigration Policies Into The United States Of America
Part Two
One of the motor vehicles provided by the Diplomatic Security Service of the United States Department of State to transport protectees attending a meeting of the United Nations General Assembly in the City of New York. (This photograph was provided courtesy of the Diplomatic Security Service of the U S Department of State, September 16, 2021.)
In Part One of a series of news columns detailing options to update policies regarding immigration into the United States Of America, Peirspictiochtai Ar An Saol noted that land within the United States of America could potentially be leased permanently to another independent nation.
This edition of Peirspictiochtai Ar An Saol details how certain people are able to be transported in vehicles to, from, and within the United States of America and yet not be subject to American laws.
Peirspictiochtai Ar An Saol
Options To Update Immigration Policies Into The United States Of America
Part One
The White Ensign of the United Kingdom flies over the land that is the site of the Ocracoke Island British Cemetery in North Carolina. (This photograph was provided courtesy of Paul Diming, April 25, 2021.)
The United States of America has had a variety of official and unofficial policies towards immigration into the country since its founding as an independent nation.
Official policies have focused on who is allowed to immigrate legally into the country. These policies sometimes included quotas for specific nationalities. In some years, people from Country "X" would be welcomed, while people from Country "Y" would be excluded from legal immigration options.
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