The first paragraph alleges that "progress on the federal level has been lagging. A bit of research shows that the US Department of Energy seems to disagree by touting its 2023 "accomplishments": 

That same paragraph noted that New Mexico Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham has supported "improving New Mexico's air quality...and is positing NM to become a leader in clean energy."

Yes, the governor has been pushing green energy. Most likely because she receives a lot of her donations from the radical environmental groups. [If you want to dig into her financial records, good luck and have fun, but I think you will find that a lot of her supporters fit the description).

The second paragraph says the governor might get to sign a bill to reduce the effect of climate change.

This writer will not get into all the ridiculousness of the term "climate change," but suffice it to say that the climate constantly changes and has for eons of time. The geologic record proves it through fossils and the rise and fall of all sorts of species, mammalian, as well as botanical.

Not to mention that back in the 1970s and '80s, the environmentalists were predicting that the world would face "catastrophic" (they love that word in order to put fear into everyone) cold weather.

But uh-oh, the climate didn't cooperate and all of sudden it was "global warming" that would kill us all. Guess what? That didn't happen either, so the catch-all term of "climate change" became the fear-mongering word to make a bunch of gullible people believe their manipulative "science." All these predictions continue to be refuted by reputable and smart scientists, not the fear-mongering "scientists" who are paid to spout their prevarications and hoaxes.

The following paragraph brings up the horrors of "greenhouse gas emissions" contributed by the transportation sector. And, of course, the worst of these is carbon dioxide.

Some of you must have taken high school biology and heard and learned the basics of the carbon cycle. According to: , one of the questions addresses 'Understanding the carbon cycle.' This is the question:" Humans burn fossil fuels and wood, releasing carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. This carbon dioxide is then absorbed by trees for photosynthesis. These processes are contributory (misspelled as contibutory on the website - just one of the many terrible grammar errors made in their questions and answers !!!) to which chemical cycle?" Duh, the carbon cycle. (This editor got tired of seeing grammatical errors in too many questions and answers and went to a different website, although this website finally got to a major point in that one of the creations of the dreaded carbon dioxide is "respiration," i.e. breathing, which is all part of the support of co-existing life of humans, plants and animals.)

This website:  gets quite a bit more scientific in language, but notes that "Carbon is the fourth most abundant element in the universe and is the building block of life on earth."

OK, back to the misleading and uninformed or misinformed writer of the letter: which states why she supports the "Clean Transportation Fuels Standard" and her reasons and how it will lead to cost savings and benefit public health.

No, renewable energy and more regulations on vehicles of all sizes will not lead to cost savings. They only lead to higher costs on all counts.

To those of you who believe that electric vehicles will save the world may not know about all the minerals, as well as copious amounts of energy, most not renewable, used to create them. And by the way, what do you think fuels many of the EV charging stations around the country? Some may be electrical, using up huge amounts of electricity, but many are fueled by diesel. According to , "... as much as two-thirds of the electricity used to recharge the vehicles' batteries is produced by burning fossil fuels, 'the nation’s single largest source of greenhouse gas emissions.' Add in CO2 emissions involved in manufacturing the cars and batteries and a battery electric vehicle’s (BEV’s) 'carbon footprint' is much larger than it might seem."

What fuels are used in the creation of electricity? Just a snippet from  tells us "The three major categories of energy for electricity generation are fossil fuels (coal, natural gas, and petroleum), nuclear energy, and renewable energy sources. Most electricity is generated with steam turbines using fossil fuels, nuclear, biomass, geothermal, and solar thermal energy. Other major electricity generation technologies include gas turbines, hydro turbines, wind turbines, and solar photovoltaics."

So my question is why are we wasting so much time, taxpayer money and effort on so-called renewable energy, when in reality, the main source of energy for all our energy needs are the so-called fossil fuels?

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