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{{/_source.additionalInfo}}ALBUQUERQUE, SEPTEMBER 24— DemocratsMartin Heinrich and Gabe Vasquez have joined Vice President Kamala Harris in supporting dangerous, radical open border policies that threaten the safety and security of New Mexico. Heinrich’s long-standing support for amnesty for 12 million unvetted, illegal immigrants and Vasquez’s backing of open border policies pushed by Harris show that both politicians are more aligned with Washington elites than the people of New Mexico.
“Martin Heinrich and Gabe Vasquez have both embraced the extreme, open-border agenda promoted and enabled by Kamala Harris,” said Republican Party of New Mexico Chairman Steve Pearce. “Their lawless immigration positions have made New Mexico an epicenter for cartel activity and human trafficking by encouraging illegal immigration and weakening border security. New Mexico families cannot afford four more years of the Harris, Heinrich, Vasquez open-border chaos.”
I recently wrote to Senator Heinrich, as he says, about Mexico's decree to ban glyphosate and genetically modified corn. Senator Heinrich doesn't address my issues but seems to be in favor of the USMCA rules that
support trade no matter how much harm abiding by those rules might come to the people and the environment. Mexico is making an effort to protect their citizens from toxic glyphosate and genetically modified products. He
seems to think that even though it is a sovereign nation, why should the Mexicans get a break from the bad practices of the USDA? Full speed ahead on American citizens, however.
ALBUQUERQUE, SEPTEMBER 19—On Wednesday, 158 Democrats in Congress shocked many by voting against the Violence Against Women by Illegal Aliens Act, which would ensure that illegal immigrants who have admitted to or are convicted of sexual offenses or domestic violence against women and children would be deemed inadmissible and deportable. New Mexico U.S. Democratic Representatives Melanie Stansbury (CD 1) and Teresa Leger Fernandez (CD 3) were among those Democrats who opposed the resolution.
The act was passed by a vote of 266-158, with every present Republican voting in favor.
ALBUQUERQUE, SEPTEMBER 19—Yesterday, Congress took up a vote on a Continuing Appropriations bill that would avert a government shutdown for six months and would also implement the SAVE Act, a piece of legislation that will require proof of citizenship to register to vote ahead of the General Election.
All three of New Mexico's U.S. Democratic Representatives, Gabe Vasquez (CD 2), Melanie Stansbury (CD 1), and Teresa Leger Fernandez (CD 3), voted against the appropriations bill. This is the second time all three Democratic Representatives voted against legislation that included proof of citizenship to register to vote in U.S. elections.
LAS CRUCES, SEPTEMBER 5—Today, Democratic Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham posted a tweet on her X account beginning with, "It's a beautiful morning in New Mexico," before announcing she would be heading to Doña Ana to break ground on a new 10-million-dollar taxpayer-funded abortion clinic.
The new clinic, strategically located to attract out-of-state abortion tourism to New Mexico, will offer late-term surgical abortions and gender transition procedures. This clinic, coupled with a 2023 law that prevented parental notification for a minor's abortion or transgender procedures, raises significant concerns about bringing this clinic into the community.
Democratic Representative Gabe Vasquez, who represents the district where the new abortion clinic is located, was present at the groundbreaking ceremony.
ALBUQUERQUE, AUGUST 27—As the general election approaches, Democrats are pandering with Republican policies, that they have no intention of implementing, because they know they are losing voters to the Republican party. Kamala Harris is the latest as she shamelessly continues to plagiarize President Trump's policies by now pledging to build the border wall, as reported by Axios.
Until now, Kamala Harris has consistently criticized the border wall, calling it a "stupid waste of money," "un-American" and saying that she wouldn’t “vote for a border wall under any circumstances.”Additionally, the Biden/Harris administration halted the construction of the border wall as one of its first executive orders.
The American Lands Council put out a call to action:
The American Lands Council invites friendly states, scholars, organizations, elected officials, local governments, and others to support Utah's legal action by filing an Amicus Brief as described herein, or by signing on to an Amicus Brief being prepared by American Lands Council.
Details and contact information in the attached document.
ALBUQUERQUE, AUGUST 20—Tonight, New Mexico's Democratic Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham gave a speech at the DNC focused on the issue of healthcare.
The Republican Party of New Mexico Chairman Steve Pearce issued to following statement in response:
"It's odd that Governor Lujan Grisham would be asked to speak at the DNC about healthcare when she's turned New Mexico into a hostile state for doctors," said Republican Party of New Mexico Chairman Steve Pearce.
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