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{{/_source.additionalInfo}}Local tourist information and events.
Protecting New Mexico's Last Wild River: Charting the Path Ahead
The Gila Conservation Coalition invites you to join us for this year's Gila River Festival - Protecting New Mexico's Last Wild River: Charting the Path Ahead - scheduled for September 26 – 29, 2024. As we commemorate the 100th anniversary of the Gila Wilderness, the Gila River Festival will not only celebrate this important milestone in protecting America's first Wilderness River, but will also look to the Gila's future. By exploring themes of long-term protection, climate resilience, cultural exchange, and stewardship, we will envision together the Gila River's next hundred years and beyond. Visit www.gilariverfestival.org for the full schedule and registration.
Light Art Space is pleased to present the 2024 Silver City Art Association Studio Tour exhibition in the
Flash Gallery. Stop in to view the work of each artist participating in the tour and pick up the tour map.
Exhibition dates:
August 22 – September 1
Reception August 30, 5 – 7pm
Gallery Hours: Thursday 11 - 4. Friday and Saturday 11- 5 and Sunday September 1st from 10 - 4 pm.
See flyer below
Labor Day Weekend - Food Vendors - Beer Garden - Dance Contest and more. Held at Gough Park. See pdf flyer below
By Marcia Tinker, SCAA Studio Chairperson
Claude SmithThe Silver City Art Association Red Dot Studio Tour returns once again Labor Day Weekend, August 30 – September 2. An artist reception will kick off the weekend Friday evening, August 30, 5:00-7:00 at Light Art Space Gallery, 209 West Broadway. Meet the artists, view a work representing each one's studio, and pick up a brochure to guide you on your weekend tour. Tour hours are Saturday 10:00-5:00 and Sunday 11:00-4:00. The Studio Tour brochure is conveniently divided into two maps, in town and out of town for easy planning and traveling.
This year's tour includes new to Grant County artists, as well as those for whom New Mexico has been their long-term base & muse. Experience a variety of art: functional & narrative clay work, paintings in diverse media including beeswax, photography, montage, sculpture, digital, and fiber works. Follow the map down country roads, along scenic byways, as well as historic downtown Silver City, finding studios where you love the art!
Hello Superheroes!
It's a bird! It's a plane! No, it's the September Spectacular Superhero Family Fit Fest soaring into Bataan Park on September 14th, 2024!
Join us for a day where fitness meets fun, capes are optional, but smiles are mandatory! Our 2nd annual event is more than just a race; it's a FUN-draiser extravaganza featuring;
Family Fun Run
5K that will have you leaping over buildings (metaphorically speaking) in a single bound.
Here's what's in store:
The Gila Native Plant Society will hold a native plant sale on Aug. 17, 2024. Please see the flyer below for details.
Saturday, August 24
Gates open 5:30pm
Regents Square WNMU Campus
FREE- no tickets required
The Mango Cakes hail from the vibrant streets of Albuquerque, New Mexico. Their Music is a delectable fusion of pop and soul with a sprinkle of funk. With years of success and experience, they have electrified stages creating spaces of spontaneity and joy for hundreds every night.
In celebration of the 158th birthday of Fort Bayard, the Fort Bayard Historic Preservation Society will host a talk by historian John P. Langelier, on Saturday, August 17, at 6 p.m. The event will be held in the New Deal Theater at historic Fort Bayard.
On August 21, 1866, Company B of the 125th Colored Volunteer Infantry arrived to establish Fort Bayard, which was named in honor of Brigadier General George D. Bayard, who had been killed in action during the Battle of Fredericksburg in 1862. The post remained an active military base until 1899, when it was repurposed as the Army's first tuberculosis hospital. It later became a Veterans hospital, then a New Mexico State Hospital. It was designated a National Historic Landmark in 2004.
The FBHPS annually commemorates the establishment of the fort, and is happy to host Dr. Langelier, who has recently completed a new book, entitled More Work Than Glory: Buffalo Soldiers in the United States Army, 1866-1916. The book is the result of years of research, and was commissioned by the National Park Service and the Association for the Study of African American Life and History. It is the latest of numerous books and monographs authored by Dr. Langelier, whose career spanned more than four decades in public history.
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