Santa Clara gets update on projects

Santa Clara gets update on projects

By Lynn Janes

The Village of Santa Clara held a meeting January 11, 2024. Newly elected Mayor Arnold Lopez called the meeting to order. Mayor Pro Tem Albert Esparza trustees, Olga Amador, Peter Erickson, and newly elected Ralph Trujillo attended.

Mayor's report

Lopez said this would be his first meeting and would be a little nervous. He had attended the training in Santa Fe for the Municipal League newly elected officials. He had learned a lot and it would be very useful. The road construction had been going well and he wanted to get down there and introduce himself. He welcomed Trujillo to the council.

New Business

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Silver City gets major funding for Vista De Plata

By Lynn Janes

The Silver City Town Council held a regular meeting January 9, 2024. Attendance to the meeting included Mayor Ken Ladner, council members included Nicholas Prince, Guadalupe Cano, Rudy Bencomo, and newly elected Stan Snider (phone). Snider did not attend in person due to being at a special meeting in Santa Fe for newly elected officials.

Council comments

Bencomo welcomed Snider and said he would do what he could to make him comfortable.

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Deer killed by vehicle in Grant County during 2023

By Roger Lanse

Grant County law enforcement agencies, through blotter reports, record that 140 deer were struck and killed by vehicles on county and city thoroughfares during the calendar year 2023. These blotter reports originate from calls to the Grant County Regional Dispatch Authority and subsequently investigated by the Grant County Sheriff’s Office, Silver City Police Department, Bayard Police Department, Hurley Police Department, or Santa Clara Police Department. Totals by month, and an annual total, follow:

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Grant County Commission holds work session 010924, part 3

[Editor's Note: This is part 3 of the Grant County Commission work session on Jan. 9, 2024. This begins the county director reports.]

By Mary Alice Murphy

At the Grant County Commission Jan. 9, 2024 work session, Grant County Airport Manager Rebekah Wenger gave the first report.

"I guess I'l start with our storm yesterday," Wenger said. "We were iced over and closed from 7:30 p.m. the evening before to about 1:30 yesterday afternoon. This caused several delays, and I know there is concern about the air ambulance. There is no way we could have landed a plane until the runway was clear. We do not have de-icing equipment, and bringing in the Road Department is not viable as the FAA bans it. We must have permission for the de-icing chemicals we use. So, Carlos and I have been talking about a platform where we could get enough chemicals and store them to be able to have a helicopter land and an air ambulance come in. That's something we're working on."

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Grant County Commission holds work session 010924, part 2

[Editor's Note: This is part 2 of the Grant County Commission work session on Jan. 9, 2024. This covers the presentations by applicants for the GRMC Board of Trustees.]

By Mary Alice Murphy

At the Grant County Commission Jan. 9, 2024 work session, commissioners heard from applicants for a vacancy on the Gila Regional Medical Center Board of Trustees.

Jason Amaro spoke first. He said he has experience in health care for more than 20 years all over the country, as a remote worker in acute and mental and behavioral care. He started off as a business analyst at Fort Bayard Medical Center. He was picked up by a headhunter and has worked for a private company utilizing electronic monitoring systems and optimizing systems.

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Hurley appoints new council member

Hurley appoints new council member

By Lynn Janes

The town of Hurley held a regular meeting January 9, 2024. Attendance to the meeting included Mayor Ed Stevens, councilors Nanette Day, Reynaldo Maynes and Keana Huerta.

The council received three applications for the open council seat. They came from Salem Sager, James Langley and Jason Cox. Each spoke to the council and gave their qualifications and reason for wanting to serve on the council. Day asked each one what Hurley had been doing well and what it had not. Jason Cox had not attended. The council appointed James Langley. The appointment will be a four-year term.

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Fatal Crash in Luna County, NM

Fatal Crash in Luna County, NM

Luna County, NM – On January 26, 2024, at around 1:00 p.m., the New Mexico State Police investigated a fatal crash involving a Commercial Motor Vehicle (CMV) on Interstate 10 west of Deming, NM.

On January 26, 2024, NMSP was assisting an electric company with shutting Interstate 10 down, while the company could perform power line maintenance. NMDOT was on scene and had assisted with the road closure by placing signage notifying drivers to reduce their speed. The initial investigation indicated that a 2021 Volvo CMV, driven by Chunnan Huang (58) of Buena Park, CA was traveling westbound on Interstate 10 near mile marker 59. For reasons still under investigation, the Volvo CMV failed to reduce its speed, and rear ended another CMV that was stopped. Mr. Huang was pronounced deceased on the scene by the Office of the Medical Investigator.

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REMOVED: I-10 temporarily closed in Deming area milepost 56 due to emergency power line repairs

I-10 westbound lanes at milepost 60 are now open, removed from NM Roads.

CRASH –Deming Area
I-10 westbound lanes are closed at milepost 60 due to a crash, the eastbound lanes are now open. Motorists are asked to reduce speed, obey posted signs, and watch for emergency personnel, and equipment. Please expect delays.

CRASH –Deming Area
I-10 westbound lanes are closed at milepost 60 due to a crash. Motorists are asked to reduce speed, obey posted signs, and watch for emergency personnel, and equipment. Please expect delays.

I-10 eastbound and westbound lanes will be closed starting at 12:30 p.m. at milepost 56 due to emergency power line repairs in the area. Motorists are asked to reduce speed, obey posted signs, and be cautious of personnel and equipment in the area. Please expect delays. This closure is expected to be reopened by 1:30 p.m.

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