Friday, June 7

Suicide threat
Little Walnut Road
Report, no narrative.

Welfare check
12th Street parking lot
Male with backpack is thrown on the stairs. Officer out with a named male.

Unwanted subject
E. Kelly and N. Bullard streets
Officer out on foot trying to make contact with a named female/out with Katherine Winchester. Advised not going to act on the warrant but if there is one more complaint will arrest.

 Welfare check
Gough Park
Caller advised a male is taking off all his clothes. Officer out with male who only had his shirt off/he put it back on. Parks employee advised the male turned over the picnic tables. Officer issued Andrew Montes a CTW for the day until tomorrow at 8 a.m.

2642 E. Highway 180
Male left in a white Chevy SUV headed west on Highway 180/he took tire plugs. Officer had contact with vehicle at the Shell/out with Jeff Powell/he paid for the items.

N. Gold and E. 7th streets
Caller's husband is walking the dogs and homeless people are harassing him. Officers out with Casey Munoz.

Unwanted subject
610 N. Silver Street – Seasonal Overnight Shelter
Caller needs a named male escorted off the property/negative on criminal trespass. Officer advised male left upon request.

E. 6th and N. Bullard streets
Male left walking north on Bullard. Officers on foot walking the ditch near Adobe Springs.

Suspicious vehicle
34th Street
Silver Corvette is in caller's driveway/a female is at her door/caller requests LE go to the location.

Mann Drive
A female went into location and stole money from her mother.

Unwanted subject
610 N. Silver Street – SOS
Advised the same male is back on the property and is refusing to leave/he is being aggressive.

Welfare check
E. 19th and N. Silver streets
Male is in the street cussing at the cars and waving his hands. Andrew Montes/clear locally.

Unwanted subject
610 N. Silver Street – SOS
Advised a named male is on the property and he has a CTW. Officer issued Ruben Cook a CTW for SOS.

Unwanted subject
2501 E. Highway 180
Advised a male is asleep by the grocery doors refusing to leave. Officer out with Matias Marquez who has a CTW issued June 4, 2024/Marquez in custody.

2501 E. Highway 180
Report, no narrative.

Welfare check
Indiana Street
Caller from Adult Protective Services received a report on a named female who had a fall/was advised the boyfriend was refusing to have the female seek medical treatment/female is 81-years-old with dementia. Contact with the male—he is going to go get the female. Contact with the female/will call caller back.

W. 6th Street
Caller advised two transactions of $553 was taken out of her account yesterday/she has already made a report to the bank. Officer advised caller doesn't appear to be home/will contact by phone.

Unwanted subject
1220 N. Hudson Street
Male at edge of parking lot is saying he is going to steal shopping carts/told caller to call the cops, he was going to wait.

Criminal trespass warning
610 N. Silver Street – SOS
Caller possibly wants a named male who is no longer is on scene issued a CTW/male is a former employee who is disgruntled. Officer talked with the male and issued [redacted] an indefinite CTW for all SPIN and SOS properties.

Welfare check
2501 E. Highway 180
In Row 8 a male appears to be confused and lost/he is now throwing up. Officer requested ambulance for an 82-year-old male confused and dizzy.

Breaking and entering
186 Truck Bypass
Caller from Calvary Baptist Church advised a male committed burglary on 6-2-24/he is walking around the back towrd the playground/want him issued a CTW. Officers have contact with a male running inside the building running toward the entrance/one in investigative detention/Billy Wilson.

Saturday, June 8

Suspicious vehicle x 4
Grant and W. 12th streets; Stout Elementary School; Los Encinos;1720 E. 32nd Street
Vehicle unoccupied; officer doing SFSTs-everything is okay; have contact with vehicle with one occupant-everything is okay; west of Silver Health Care.

Welfare check
Chavez Street
65-year-old male has been gone since 3 a.m./caller advised she woke up from a nap and he was gone. Caller called back advising her husband just walked into the home.

Welfare check
E. 6th Street
A named male is not answering his door and heard someone yelling from the area. Officer had negative contact on the property.

Criminal damage to property
1332 N. Hudson Street
Caller from Daylight Donuts advised his front window was damaged.

Unwanted subject
201 W. College Avenue
Female is yelling at everyone/they kicked her out of the restaurant and she is outside scaring customers away. Officer issued an indefinite CTW to Sarah Flurry.

Liquor laws
123 W. 12th Street
Advised subjects in a silver Camry are trying to sell alcohol to minors. Officer had negative contact.

Reckless driver
N. Hudson Street and E. College Avenue
Black truck, silver truck, and another truck are racing down Hudson/they cut off a mail carrier. Officer advised have contact with a black Dodge and white Ford in the Pope Street parking lot.

N. Gold Street
Caller reported his cell phone was stolen from the mailbox.

Unwanted subject
W. 13th Street
Caller advised a named male is en route to his grandmother's property and will be there in 3-5 minutes. Officer advised both parties are allowed to be there until contact is made with homeowner.

Welfare check
Mann Drive
Caller advised her mother lives alone and both caller and her sister have been trying to call her and she isn't answering her phone/mother is elderly and was "robbed" of money yesterday. Officer advised mother is okay/will call caller back.

Suspicious vehicle
Gough Park
Officer requested next wrecker in rotation/vehicle being towed.

Welfare check
N. Swan Street – 9:28 p.m.
Caller advised her daughter left the house distraught because she had broken up with her boyfriend and was threatening suicide/she left around 6:30 p.m. and caller cannot get hold of her. Caller called back advising the daughter showed up/everything is okay.

Loud music x 4
Memory Lane Cemetery; W. Yankie and N. Texas streets; North Loop; 200 N. Bullard Street
Believes it is coming from the south end of the cemetery-Officer advised music is from the Fiesta Festival; No report; No report; No report.

Sunday, June 9

Unwanted subject
1414 Little Walnut Road – Silver Cliff Apartments
Caller advised her ex-boyfriend is there and scaring her kids/he wants to stay and talk but she doesn't want him there. Officer advised male left prior to arrival.

N. Arizona Street
Caller advised a named male was just at her house banging on the door and yelling about borrowing money/he has sent over 100 messages and she has already blocked his calls. Officer advised out with one male Market and Bullard.

Welfare check
West Street and W. College Avenue
Advised male hitting himself/keeps walking into the middle of the roadway. Out with Matias Marquez 12th and West streets/he is okay/was advised to walk on the sidewalk.

Accident-property damage
N. Swan and E. 32nd streets
Officer ran two driver's licenses.

203 S. Mill Street
Caller stated a male was throwing rocks at him and was trying to grab at him. Caller stated he has a knife on his side and when he showed it to the male that's when the male started to throw rocks at him. Officers will do a walk-through in the ditch behind the Visitor Center/a named male was in the ditch behind Adobe Springs.

1220 N. Hudson Street
Caller from Food Basket advised a customer lied about a meat price and took the meat at a cheaper price/he left about 10-15 minutes ago. Officer out at Los Victor/subject was issued a CTW for Food Basket.

2 Ridge Road
Two males fist-fighting/male in white Toyota left/other male walking toward the highway. Officers advised contact with one male Highway 90 and Cooper Street.

Criminal trespass warning
2501 E. Highway 180
Male shoplifted a minimal amount/they want a CTW issued. Officer issued Brandon Capshaw an indefinite CTW for Walmart.

Cactus Street
Neighbor is trying to fight/caller stated the neighbor went into his yard.

Welfare check
Katheryne Circle
Last contact with caller's parents was on Friday/both their phones are off. Officer advised everything is okay.

Welfare check
A Street
Stated he has a no contact order with his ex and she texted him stating she was going to take pills/she has threatened suicide in the past/last heard from her 10 minutes ago. Officer advised subject is okay.

Domestic disturbance
1040 E. Highway 180
A named male is causing issues/he stole her EBT card and is refusing to give it back.

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