Project further reduces hazardous fuels from a fuel break
QUEMADO, NM, January 29, 2024 – The Quemado Ranger District plans to begin burning 800 acres of slash piles adjacent to Luna, New Mexico beginning as early as Wednesday, January 31. Crews hope to start with those piles located closest to the community.
"These large slash piles are the result of timber sales and hazardous fuels treatments strategically placed to create a fuel break that protects the community of Luna," said Quemado District Ranger Randall Chavez. "Now that those mechanical treatments are complete, burning the slash will further reduce fuel loading on the landscape and the risk of high-severity wildfire, while reintroducing a keystone ecological process to fire-dependent ecosystems."
Crews are taking advantage of recent wet, snowy weather that has created suitable conditions for burning slash piles. The large volume of material to be burned and the large area where the piles are located will require multiple days to accomplish, within an as-yet unknown timeline. It is likely to be a longer-term effort with repeat entries necessary, when conditions allow, to accomplish the full 800 acres.
Signs will be posted in areas where prescribed fires are taking place. Due to the proximity of piles to Luna and the large volume of material to be burned, smoke is likely to be noticeable in Luna during and after burning. It may linger in the valley at night and early in the morning. The Forest Service coordinates prescribed burning with New Mexico Environment Department and follows smoke management guidelines. Smoke and firefighter activity will be visible to the public and may impact forest road access. If this occurs, road guards will be in place. Air quality information and health protection measures are posted online at the New Mexico Fire Information website: NM Fire Info | Smoke Management. For more information contact Maribeth Pecotte at 575-388-8211 orÂ