The Hunt Center for Entrepreneurship, housed at New Mexico State University’s Arrowhead Center, and Startup Chihuahua are joining forces to host a series of training sessions on angel investing for members of the Borderplex and Chihuahua City region.

The Hunt Center for Entrepreneurship is committed to growing the entrepreneurship ecosystem in the region by empowering diverse groups of people to explore and practice entrepreneurship; educating and encouraging students to bring innovative products and services to commercial markets; and increasing access to early-stage investment.

The first training session, called “Venture Forward: Navigating the World of Angel Investing” and scheduled for May 22, will be a virtual master class featuring a fireside chat with Drew Tulchin, president of New Mexico Angels. Participants will learn the basics of angel investing and essential strategies from an experienced investor.

To attend the event, visit
 to register. Limited spaces are available.

“We are thrilled to announce our partnership with Startup Chihuahua in delivering a transformative series of training sessions on angel investing. Angel investing is not just capital; it's the fuel for innovation in our region,” said Carlos Murguia, director of the Hunt Center for Entrepreneurship. “By empowering local investors with knowledge and resources, we are setting the stage for groundbreaking developments across the Borderplex and Chihuahua City.”

The second training session, called “Investment Immersion,” is scheduled for July 11-13 and will be an in-person multi-day summit to deep dive into the ins and outs of angel investing, due diligence, portfolio construction, valuations and management. In partnership with Sun Cruces Angels, programming will feature workshops, round tables, networking opportunities and pitch presentations by Borderplex startup founders. The event will be hosted across different venues in El Paso and Las Cruces, allowing participants to experience firsthand some of the innovation and entrepreneur centers in the region.

To attend the event, visit  to purchase tickets. Limited spaces are available.

“This initiative is pivotal, as we believe that informed, engaged angel investors play a crucial role in nurturing the entrepreneurial spirit and catalyzing economic growth,” said Andres Guzman, director of Startup Chihuahua. “Together, we are building a robust ecosystem where innovation thrives on both sides of the border.”

For more information about the Hunt Center for Entrepreneurship, contact Murguia at  or visit .

For more information about Startup Chihuahua, contact Andres Guzmán at  or visit .

Arrowhead Center is a hub of innovation and entrepreneurship committed to catalyzing economic development and fostering a culture of innovation. The Hunt Center for Entrepreneurship, established through a transformative gift from the Hunt Family Foundation, leads these efforts by empowering diverse entrepreneurs, nurturing student startups, and fueling economic progress.

Startup Chihuahua, supported by Desarrollo Ecónomico del Estado de Chihuahua, advances entrepreneurship, science, technology and innovation to boost regional competitiveness, ensuring favorable conditions for developing and strengthening science and technology-based business models.

The full article can be seen at

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