This category will feature news releases from out-of-area government agencies and representatives, as well as events that are not taking place in the four-county area of Grant, Catron, Hidalgo or Luna. For local events please visit Local News Releases.
Santa Fe, NM — Today, President Donald J. Trump was officially sworn in as the 47th President of the United States. His administration officially begins today, capping a historic political comeback. In response, Senate Republican Leader Bill Sharer has issued the following congratulatory statement:
Order Number 03-03-04-25-02
Albuquerque, NM, January 18, 2025 – The Cibola National Forest and National Grasslands (NF&NGs) has issued a road closure order (Order 03-03-04-25-02) for National Forest Road (NFR) 245, starting at the gate at New Canyon Campground up to Capilla Peak Campground as shown on the attached map.
This Order will be effective on Sunday January 19, 2025, at 5:00 p.m. and shall remain in effect until March 30, 2025, or until rescinded, whichever occurs first.
The purpose of this Order is to protect public safety and prevent natural resource damage from vehicular traffic during the winter months while the ground/soil is saturated within the closure area. The closure will also protect public health and safety while the USFS is conducting planned forest management activities in this area.
➡The First Session of the 57th Legislature begins: January 21st - Opening day (noon)
Speak during the committee hearing
This is where call to actions will be listed: STAY TUNED
CLICK: Contact Info for all NM House & Senate legislators
Attend in person:
New Mexico State Capitol
490 Old Santa Fe Trail, Santa Fe, NM 87501
WASHINGTON — U.S. Senators Martin Heinrich (D-N.M.) and Ben Ray Luján (D-N.M.), and U.S. Representatives Teresa Leger Fernández (D-N.M.), Melanie Stansbury (D-N.M.), and Gabe Vasquez (D-N.M.) are welcoming $17,137,326 — a 5.3% increase from last year — from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development's (HUD) Continuum of Care program to support New Mexico projects that provide housing assistance and supportive services to people experiencing homelessness.
Specifically, the federal funding will support homelessness prevention, rapid rehousing, transitional housing, and permanent supportive housing. The awards also include funding for youth and survivors of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking.
In all construction zones, motorists are asked to reduce speed, obey posted signs, and use extreme caution, as well as continue to be cautious of heavy equipment and construction personnel in the area. PLEASE NOTE: Conditions are subject to change without notice. Double fines for speeding in work zones may be in effect.
White Sands Missile Range Notification
For information regarding closures, you may call WSMR at 678-1178 or 678-2222 for updates.
SANTA FE, NM – The state of New Mexico offers homeowners free assistance to help prevent foreclosure. The program provides government-funded Housing Counseling and legal support for homeowners facing financial difficulties with their mortgage payments.
In partnership with United South Broadway Corporation (USBC), eligible homeowners can access HUD-certified Housing Counseling and legal services to navigate their foreclosure options, including loan modifications, mediation, and loan reinstatement. This program provides expert assistance to help homeowners stay in their homes and regain financial stability.
Pile burning starting as early as January 21
ALBUQUERQUE, NM – January 16, 2025 – Pending favorable conditions, fire managers on the Cibola National Forest & National Grasslands (NF & NGs) may implement the previously announced Red Canyon Campground Piles Prescribed (Rx) Fire on the Mountainair Ranger District as early as Tues., January 21 through Thurs., January 23.
The Red Canyon Campground Rx Fire is 48 acres of piles in the Hazard Tree Mitigation Project located adjacent to Upper Red canyon Campground in the Manzano Mountains, approximately 12 miles northwest of the town of Mountainair in the southern half of the Manzano Mountains, in Torrance County, NM. Smoke may be visible in the surrounding areas of Mountainair, Punta de Agua, Manzano, or the Estancia Valley. See map attached.
Ignition start will depend upon agency administrator approval and conditions within the ranges outlined in burn plan. Optimal conditions will result in effective smoke ventilation and dispersal and help achieve the desired effects needed to accomplish the burn plan objectives. Winter is an optimal time to burn piled slash and woody debris from earlier forest restoration work since snow on the ground keeps fire from spreading to adjacent vegetation.
The latest Water Supply Outlook Report is now available.
Full report (PDF)
From the Summary:
"January 1 snowpack conditions favored the northern extent of New Mexico's forecast basins, with persistent dry conditions throughout most of the state to start the winter season. Extremely low to absent snow conditions dominated the state's southern and western major river catchments at the end of December, leaving statewide Snow Water Equivalent totals at 66% of reference period normal. This aggregated total is statistically matched to last year's January 1 snowpack though with a distinct geographic distribution where much of the state has not retained significant snowpack going into 2025. Relatively smaller departures below normal Snow Water Equivalent characterized the northernmost contributing basins of the San Juan and Rio Grande Headwaters. In contrast, much more dismal winter hydrometeorological conditions existed to start to start the New Year further south throughout the Rio Grande, Canadian, Pecos, Gila- San Francisco and Zuni basins.
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