Christian Crossroads - How did we get here?

There are only two possible answers to the question, “How did we get here?” 

Either we happened by



Each of the four Gospels takes account of Jesus' arrest in the Garden of Gethsemane. A large crowd of


Ironic? Hypocritical? Purposeful? Or Inadvertent?

Guest Column:

Did our governor and other governors and governmental figures, when ostensibly


Not here yet but coming

In a Wednesday, July 1, 2020 press briefing, the New Mexico Governor is quoted in the Grant County


The Holy Spirit Sandwich

If you are starving and someone places a nice hoagie on the table in front of you and you refuse to


Do you believe Jesus?

Christians often ask others certain questions designed to elicit answers illustrating their


Who do we trust?

Isaiah wrote to the Hebrews 2,700 years ago:

Woe to those who go down to Egypt for help,
And rely


God with us

 About 700 years before the birth of Christ, Isaiah prophesied that a virgin would give birth to a


How did Old Testament people gain eternal life with God?

The same way we do, by faith; faith in God the Creator who lives, faith in His ability to bless


What has Jesus done for me?

Let me tell you a parable.

Imagine you have been convicted of a serious felony and are now in a


What can a Christian do with guilt?

We’ve all disobeyed God and hurt other people. What, then, can we do with our guilt? God’s Holy


Does prayer work?

It works for me. I was going to open with “All I can say is, it works for me,” but then nothing


Should Christians tithe?

God’s Law, given to the Israelites through Moses, directed them to tithe to the Levites, the tribe


Does baptism save?

Although many people maintain baptism is necessary for salvation, it’s a claim the Bible doesn’t


Cremate or not to cremate?

You know, if you remove the ‘m’ from the middle of ‘cremate,’ you wind up with ‘create.’

Which reminds me


Does God have a plan for my life?

No, I don’t believe He does. I believe He has a purpose for your life.

A plan is a detailed set of steps


Is Church Necessary?

Well, I guess one could ask necessary for what?

Is attending church necessary to enter heaven? No.


"In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth."

By Roger Lanse

"In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth."

If you believe this first


Blind Bartimaeus

In Mark Chapter 10, an account is recorded of Jesus healing the blind beggar Bartimaeus on the


What about abortion?

Archeological discoveries have confirmed Old Testament references to the practice of sacrificing children


Jesus heals a paralyzed man

In Matthew Chapter 9, Mark Chapter 2, and Luke Chapter 5, we find the account of Jesus healing a


The Roman Road

In the Bible’s Book of Romans, we are told that no one is free from sin. That’s every person who


What happens to me when I die?

What happens to me when I die?

By Roger Lanse

You know, I’ve never known anyone to come back from


Is there really a place called hell?

According to the Bible, yes, there is. Even though many people don’t believe in hell, God in His


What about John 3:16?

You may have seen ‘John 3:16’ displayed at various sporting events. My own recollection is seeing the


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