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{{/_source.additionalInfo}}This is where you will read announcements of those running for office in Grant County in 2024
I'm excited to announce my candidacy for Grant County Board of Commissioners District 5 and humbly request your vote for me in the election on Tuesday November 5, 2024 (or in the early vote process leading up to election day). If you live in the southern part of Silver City from about 8th Street and all the way out to the Tyrone Mine Road (including Tyrone townsite) and the area bounded by Mangas Valley Road and Rosedale Road, you should see my name – Thomas L Shelley (Republican) - on your election ballot for County Commissioner.
Who am I ?
Family Man – married to Sandy - 41 years and counting – raised family here
Lifelong Resident of Grant County – born and raised in Silver City
Committed follower of Jesus Christ
US Army Veteran
Barbara lives near Silver City with her husband of 38 years. She is the proud mother of three children and has five grandchildren.
Barbara Bush is grounded in family and tradition with a strong work ethic. As a doer, she believes in building on what works and looks for opportunities to improve areas that are not working. Through Barbara's careers in business and academia, she fought to make sure people got the support and resources they needed and aims to do the same for District 4 residents.
Runnels announces magistrate judge candidacy
Matt Runnels recently announced his candidacy for the position of Grant County magistrate judge, Division 1. He is seeking the Democratic nomination for the office in the upcoming June 4 primary election.
Matt said he made this announcement after a lot of soul-searching and being strongly encouraged to run by a number of community leaders, business owners, and concerned citizens who have known and worked with him on community projects and issues for many years.
GRANT COUNTY - Veteran, businessman, and former State Senator Gabriel Ramos today filed for a place on the ballot for New Mexico State Senate District 28. Without a primary opponent, Ramos faces incumbent Siah Correa Hemphill in the General Election.
Like many in Southern New Mexico, Ramos is a Hispanic Catholic, and until recently, was a lifelong Democrat. He is now running as a Republican after radical extremists took over the Democrat party and have since led New Mexico down a path of sky-high taxes, a lack of family values, and heavy-handed government, he said.
GRANT COUNTY – Experienced attorney Norman Wheeler today filed to run for District Attorney of the Sixth Judicial District serving Grant, Luna and Hidalgo Counties. He will face Michael Renteria in the general election.
While crime has soared and the lives of residents become more and more at risk, Renteria has passed on case after case, refusing to prosecute or bring the perpetrator to justice.
"There is no excuse for Renteria's laziness when it comes to cracking down on crime," said Wheeler. "Personal safety for you and your family is not something to be bargained away or taken lightly. I am appalled at the way the District Attorney's Office is being run, and I will use my experience prosecuting violent crime, as well as my relationship with law enforcement, to bring law and order back to New Mexico."
Silver City — State Representative Luis Terrazas today filed paperwork to run for reelection in District 39. Luis is currently in his second term during which he fought for legislation that specifically benefits the interests of the people of his district.
Over the last several sessions, Terrazas has worked on bills that kept rights, jobs, and families intact including:
- Protecting our farmers and ranchers and their livelihoods
- Advocating for law enforcement and their resources, ensuring they have the manpower they need
- Remaining strong on keeping parents involved in their child's education and improving educational outcomes
- Fighting for the district's mining jobs and and to preserve the energy jobs that provide the state's largest revenue for schools, and
- Fighting to stop mandatory taxes on businesses and working families.
TRUTH OR CONSEQUENCES – Job creator and family advocate Rebecca Dow officially filed today for a place on the ballot for New Mexico House District 38, a seat where she proudly served as State Representative for three terms.
"It's the honor of a lifetime to serve the community that raised me. Session by session, the extreme radicals of the legislature are pushing our state further away from the values and culture of the people who live in it. What New Mexicans actually want is more money in their own pocket, opportunities for their children, and for the government to get off the backs of businesses and doctors and teachers. I'm in this fight to give the power back to the people of Southern New Mexico and make sure their voices are heard loud and clear," said Dow.
Patrick W. Snedeker announces his candidacy for the Magistrate Judge-Division 1 position for Grant County, New Mexico.
Snedeker will be seeking the Democratic nomination for the office, in the primary election, in June of 2024.
Snedeker grew up and was raised in Silver City, Grant County, NM; and attended local schools, graduating from Silver High School.
Snedeker has a Bachelor of Arts degree in Social Science, and a Master of Arts degree in Educational Administration, from Western New Mexico University, in Silver City, and is a formally trained educator and administrator.
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