BC Comic for December 18, 2023


BY: Mason Mastroianni, Mick Mastroianni and Johnny Hart

Wizard of Id Comic for December 18, 2023


BY: Mick Mastroianni and Johnny Hart

Grant County Community Foundation hosted a holiday party on Dec. 15, 2023

Grant County Community Foundation Executive Director Bernadette Smyth held a holiday party at


Wizard of Id Comic for December 17, 2023


BY: Mick Mastroianni and Johnny Hart

BC Comic for December 17, 2023


BY: Mason Mastroianni, Mick Mastroianni and Johnny Hart

Henderson selected as NMSU’s new general counsel

Lisa Henderson has been selected as New Mexico State University’s new general counsel and chief


Wizard of Id Comic for December 16, 2023


BY: Mick Mastroianni and Johnny Hart

BC Comic for December 16, 2023


BY: Mason Mastroianni, Mick Mastroianni and Johnny Hart

Michael Engleman named interim race director for Tour of the Gila 2024

By Mary Alice Murphy

Michael Engleman of Mission Sports Group LLC said his first encounter with the


Grant County Juvenile Justice Advisory Board to meet Dec. 19, 2023

Grant County Juvenile Justice Advisory Board
The regular meeting of the Grant County


Steve Gustavo Holguin, 68, a resident of resident of Deming, NM - pending

Steve Gustavo Holguin, 68, lifelong resident of Deming entered eternal rest on Thursday, December 14,


Manuel Ortiz Torres, 69, a resident of Bayard, NM

TorresMManuel Ortiz Torres, was born in Santa Rita, NM on August 2, 1954, and entered into eternal rest


Silver Consolidated Schools-
Legal Notice
Advertisement for Bids

Sealed bids for the general construction of “BID #2023-2024-08 Harrison Schmitt Elementary Parking Lot


GC Water Commission regular meeting December 21, 2023

LEGAL NOTICE                                                       

The Grant County Water Commission will hold a regular meeting on Thursday, December


Leonard Schaffer a resident of Mimbres, NM - pending

Leonard Schaffer of Mimbres, NM entered eternal rest Friday, December 15, 2023 at his residence. 


Jack Owens, 75, a resident of Mimbres, NM - pending

Jack Owens, 75, a resident of Mimbres, NM entered eternal rest Friday, December 15, 2023 at his


NMDA hires veteran journalist as new Director of Public Affairs

Haga clic aquí para español.

LAS CRUCES, N.M. – The New Mexico Department of Agriculture (NMDA) has


Traffic Report for week of December 17 to 24, 2023

In all construction zones, motorists are asked to reduce speed, obey posted signs, and use extreme


Heinrich Announces Nominees To The US Service Academies

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Martin Heinrich (D-N.M.) announced his nominees to the United States


Bayard considers a city administrator position

By Lynn Janes

The town of Bayard held a work session and regular meeting November 27, 2023.


Tri-City police department blotters – Dec. 11 through Dec. 14, 2023

Bayard Police Department

Monday, Dec. 11

Domestic disturbance
Empire Street
A 68-year-old female


Grant County Sheriff's Office blotter – Dec. 11 through Dec. 14, 2023

Monday, Dec. 11

Welfare check
Hideaway Lane
A named female is a customer at Wells Fargo and


Grant County Sheriff's Office blotter – Dec. 11 through Dec. 14, 2023

Monday, Dec. 11

Welfare check
Hideaway Lane
A named female is a customer at Wells Fargo and


Silver City Police Department blotter – Dec. 11 through Dec. 14, 2023

Monday, Dec. 11

Suspicious vehicle
2501 E. Highway 180
Subject going to leave property.


The Real Problem We Face

There is so much going on in our world that really requires our attention. The economy, war, our


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