James Hiltsley, 80, a resident of Silver City, NM

HiltsleyJJames Hiltsley, 80, a resident of Silver City, NM entered eternal rest on Christmas morning,


Swearing in newly elected Town of Silver City Councilors


A swearing in ceremony for the newly elected Town of Silver City Councilors will be held on


Shirley Easley, 88, a resident of Silver City, NM - pending

Shirley Easley, 88, a resident of Silver City, NM entered eternal rest Wednesday, December 27,


Center for Health Innovation community conversation 120723

Photos and article by Lynn Janes

On December 7, 2023, the Center for Health Innovation and Public


Wizard of Id Comic for December 28, 2023


BY: Mick Mastroianni and Johnny Hart

BC Comic for December 28, 2023


BY: Mason Mastroianni, Mick Mastroianni and Johnny Hart

Aldo Leopold School internship showcase and YCC 120623

Photos and article by Lynn Janes

On December 6, 2023, Aldo Leopold Charter School held the end of


Ring in 2024 in the outdoors NM State Park First Day Hike or Polar Plunge

ElepahantButte2January 1st is the one and only opportunity during the year to experience the 108-year-old


Grant County Community Foundation announcements Jan 2024

Free Workshop: Utilizing Social Media and Other Best Practices 

for Non-Profit Organizations: 11 January


Silver City Public Library January 2024 events for adults

Open Technology Lab
Wednesday, January 24, 3:00-5:00pm

Silver City Public Library

515 W. College


First B-I-N-G-O of 2024!

BingoMurray Hotel Ballroom

200 W. Broadway - January 15

6:00 Bingo starts, 5:00 doors open



2023 Grant County Community Awards Banquet

Thank you to everyone who attended the 2023 Grant County Community Awards Banquet held on December 14,


Silver City Police Department blotter – Dec. 22 through Dec. 24, 2023

Friday, Dec. 22

Unwanted subject
Cactus Street
Caller advised her brother is there and she no


Community conversation on mental health

townhallPhoto and article by Lynn Janes

On December 5, 2023, Silver City Mayor pro tem Guadalupe Cano and


Bear Canyon Dam improvements

Photos and article by Lynn Janes (see PDF plans at the bottom of this article)

On November 28, 2023,


Wizard of Id Comic for December 27, 2023


BY: Mick Mastroianni and Johnny Hart

BC Comic for December 27, 2023


BY: Mason Mastroianni, Mick Mastroianni and Johnny Hart

Grant County Commission held work session 121223 part 1

[Editor's Note: The Grant County Commission held a work session on Dec. 12, 2023. This part 1


Privetts, Charles (Charley) R, 66, a resident of Mimbres, NM

Privetts, Charles (Charley) R. Born 6-2-1957 – Died 12-21-2023
Charley was a lifelong resident of the


John Henry Von Tress Jr., 88, a resident of Las Cruces, NM

VonTressJJohn Henry Von Tress Jr., 88, of Las Cruces, New Mexico, passed away at home on December 22, 2023.


Aylynn Brekhus, a resident of Deming, NM

BrekhusAAylynn Brekhus passed away surrounded by her family on December 12, 2023, after a brave battle with


Helping Families in Need this Holiday Season

NOSHAVE(left to right) with new hoodies in hand are Patrolman Jeremy McDonald, Corporal Manny Jaure, SCPD


Nadine D. Langlinais, 99, a resident of Silver City, NM

LanglinaisNNadine Dixie Doyle was born on August 1, 1924, at the JC Cox Family Ranch in Sheridan, WY, to


Horacio Villegas, Jr., 49, a resident of Silver City, NM

VillegasHHoracio Villegas, Jr., 49, a resident of Silver City, NM entered eternal rest on Wednesday,


Amber Simpson, 36, a resident of Silver City, NM - pending

Amber Simpson, 36, a resident of Silver City, NM entered eternal rest on Christmas morning,


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