Randy Salars is manager of the Silver City Gospel Mission, which has as its mission: Feeding the hungry, clothing the cold and giving hope to Silver City's hopeless.


Are We Failing Our Heroes?

The Unseen Battle of Homeless Veterans

Are we leaving our heroes in the dust?

Have you ever stopped to think about the soldiers who survive the battlefield only to find themselves without a home to return to?

That's the grim reality many of our veterans face. They've battled in harsh terrains, faced life-and-death situations, and served their country bravely. Yet, they return to find themselves grappling with homelessness.

It's an unseen battle, one fought not on the battlefield but in our communities. Isn't it time we step up and support our veterans in their fight against homelessness?"

Have you ever observed the interplay of shadows and light at dusk? It's a spectacle of two realities coexisting, much like the life of our homeless veterans - a continuous struggle between their illustrious past and a grim present.

I want to introduce you to Emily, a devoted case worker at our local Veterans Affairs office. Through Emily's experience, we're given a sobering glimpse into the life of a veteran named Sergeant Jones, a man whose past is filled with tales of bravery and honor. Yet, his present mirrors the stark realities that lurk in our community's underbelly.

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The Lord of the Streets

The Twin Towers of Homelessness and Addiction

Consider this: For some people, their daily reality is a constant battle with addiction within their homes (on the street). 

Unsettling. This is the harsh truth for numerous individuals experiencing homelessness. The issues of homelessness and addiction are deeply intertwined, like two sides of a sorrowful coin. Their coexistence makes it crucial for us to address these joint crises. 

In our society's shadowy landscape, two imposing towers exist, ominously named: Homelessness and Addiction. Their oppressive presence casts a profound and far-reaching shadow, concealing a lesser-known city that exists parallel to our own, unseen and often ignored. 

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Caught in the Eye of the Storm

The Unspoken Mental Health Epidemic Sweeping Our Streets

Did you know that approximately 25% of the United States homeless have severe mental illness? That's compared to only 6% of the overall population.

It's a silent storm sweeping our streets, and it's time we pay attention.

Have you ever been caught in a storm, the rain lashing against your face, the wind howling in your ears, and you standing alone, drenched and cold? Now, imagine this storm isn't just a metaphor but a reality for many, a reality that is often overlooked, misunderstood, and ignored.

Let me tell you a story about John, a man I met at the Gospel Mission. John was once a vibrant individual, full of life and dreams. But like a ship caught in a cyclone, he was lost in the storm of life; his dreams dashed on the rocks of mental illness and homelessness.

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From Temporary to Lifelong: A Journey Through the Spheres of Homelessness

Imagine, if you will, standing at the threshold of a vast, labyrinthine maze.

You step forward, the weight of uncertainty pressing down on you, not knowing that this single step may lead you down a path from which return is a Herculean task.

This isn't the plot of a bestselling novel, nor is it a blockbuster movie. It's the daunting reality millions worldwide face, each embarking on a harrowing journey through homelessness. Each story is unique, each struggle personal, and each resolution well; let's unravel that together.

Step into the bustling cityscape with me, where shadows of skyscrapers lean over like somber giants watching over the people. Among them, we find our friend, John, a veteran of life's brutal battlefield, caught in the claws of chronic homelessness.

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The Causes of Homelessness: Unraveling the Disturbing Truth

A half-million people with no place to call home.

In the vast expanse of America, over 500,000 individuals confront the cold indifference of the night sky each evening, a devastating testament to our society's overlooked crisis: homelessness.

What really ushers people into this harsh reality?

Let's embark together on a soul-searching expedition, delving into the intricate web that ensnares so many into homelessness. It's a journey where the truths we'll uncover are as deeply unsettling as they are painfully compelling.

Have you ever held a snow globe in your hands, its tranquil scenery entrapped within, given it a shake, and watched the serene façade give way to a whirlwind of chaos? That's what happened to Sam, a character as real as you or I.

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Join AmeriCorps Summer Vista Program for a Meaningful Journey into Social Change

Are you a socially conscious individual yearning for a summer that promises more than just a tan? Your search ends with the Silver City Gospel Mission’s partnership with Hunger Free America - the AmeriCorps Summer Vista Program.

Set against the backdrop of vibrant Silver City, this initiative is our stand against food insecurity and homelessness, both pressing issues faced by millions in our country. Our mission echoes the ethos of socially responsible individuals like you who believe in transformative change and a more equitable world.

Over a span of ten weeks, starting either June 12 or June 20, you will dive headfirst into the heart of community-based work. The roles are full-time, but what’s time when every second spent brings you closer to making a tangible difference? Whether nurturing our community garden, assisting in food pantries, or driving other hunger-alleviation initiatives, your summer days will be filled with purpose and growth.

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Rekindle Your Passion for Social Impact

Discover Meaningful Engagement with the AmeriCorps Summer Vista Program

Are you a retiree seeking to breathe new life into your golden years? Or perhaps you're keen to contribute to a social cause that goes beyond merely filling your time? 

Consider this your invitation to explore an opportunity that merges purpose, passion, and impact. The AmeriCorps Summer Vista Program at Silver City Gospel Mission presents an exciting chance for retirees to engage in fulfilling work within our community. 

At the heart of Silver City, the Gospel Mission is committed to alleviating food insecurity and homelessness. Our partnership with Hunger Free America has led to the creation of the Summer Vista Program. 

By hiring six Summer Associate VISTAs, we aim to enhance our community garden, support food pantries, and drive other hunger-alleviation initiatives. 

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To Unload or Not to Unload: That's No Question. We Need Your Help!

Imagine a truck filled to the brim with nourishing food, ready to feed the hungry souls of Silver City. Now, picture this truck standing idle, its bounty locked away, simply because there aren't enough hands to unload it. This isn't a scene from a dystopian novel; it's a real challenge we face at the Silver City Gospel Mission.

The Challenge at Hand: Every 1st, 4th, and 5th Wednesday of the month, our food truck arrives packed with provisions. But unloading it is no small feat. It requires strength, dedication, and a shared commitment to our mission of feeding the hungry. And that's where we need your help.

The Power of One: Just as a single pebble can start an avalanche, one volunteer can make a world of difference. Your contribution, no matter how small, can help us ensure that the food from our truck reaches those who need it most. Remember, the Rule of One isn't just about focusing on a single powerful idea; it's about recognizing the power of a single helping hand.

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