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09:00am - 12:00pm Hospitality Industry Training: :: Education
Hospitality Industry Training: (Session 1) February 22 – March 21 Online Live Zoom Sessions 9 a.m. -noon (Session 2) June 5 – July 3 Online Live Zoom Sessions 9 a.m.-noon.Hospitality Industry Training includes a free 5-part training series that provides ...
10:00am Unitarian Universalist Fellowship - Planned Parenthood :: Public Meetings
Samantha Fields will be presenting on behalf of Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains at the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship. She is an Raíz Organizing Specialist with Planned Parenthood in Las Cruces Full press release:https://www.grantcountybeat.com/news/news-releases/83070-unitarian-universalist-fellowship-planned-parenthood
Location 3845 N Swan Street
01:00pm - 03:00pm Plant Swap - Permaculture Silver City :: Health & Wellness
Bring your extra seedlings, starts, cuttings and plants to Gough Park to exchange. If you don't have any to share, you are welcome to bring other items such as your eggs, home processed foods, homemade soaps, dried teas and herbs, ...
Location Gough Park
02:00pm Vanya & Sonia & Masha & Spike :: Arts & Music
Hotel-Dinner-Theatre Package available - At El Sol Theater, downtown Silver City, NMInfo & Tickets: https://www.silvercitycommunitytheater.com See flyer:https://www.grantcountybeat.com/events-calendars/local-events/82833-it-s-wickedly-funny-mark-your-calendar
Location El Sol Theater
02:00pm Whiskey Creek Zócalo - Sierra Sáhir :: Arts & Music
Come celebrate St Patricks Day with us and Sierra Sáhir, a Fusion Bellydance Tribe, as they share the joy and belly dance love in a colorful, thrilling, interactive show dancing for you to Celtic, Nordic and Spanish/Irish music! Guest Performance ...
Location Whiskey Creek Z+?calo
08:00am - 12:00pm WNMU Offering Free Tax Preparation Assistance :: Education
Western New Mexico University students are offering free tax preparation assistance to seniors and low-income. This free service is for people whose household income is $64,000 or less and for those who are 65 years or older. The volunteers — WNMU ...
Location WNMU Harlan Hall
09:00am - 06:00pm FREE in-person TAX PREPARATION SERVICE in Bayard! By Appointment Only. :: Education
AARP -Tax-Aide volunteers will prepare and file your Federal and State tax returns. No age or income restrictions. You do not need to be a member of AARP.Appointments are available for Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays.To make appointment Call 575-342-1892.
09:00am GC Board of Commissioners will convene in a Work Session Meeting :: Legal Notices
The Grant County Board of Commissioners will convene in a Work Session Meeting . The meeting will take place in the Grant County Veterans Memorial Business and Conference Center, 3031 US HWY 180, Silver City, NM 88061 in the 135 ...
Location Grant County Conference Center
09:00am - 12:00pm Hospitality Industry Training: :: Education
Hospitality Industry Training: (Session 1) February 22 – March 21 Online Live Zoom Sessions 9 a.m. -noon (Session 2) June 5 – July 3 Online Live Zoom Sessions 9 a.m.-noon.Hospitality Industry Training includes a free 5-part training series that provides ...
04:00pm Grant Soil and Water Conservation :: Public Meetings
The regular monthly board meeting of the Grant Soil and Water Conservation District will be held at the NRCS Building; 3082 32nd Street Bypass; Suite C; Silver City, NM 88061. The meeting is open to the public.To request a copy ...
Location NRCS Building
07:00pm Vanya & Sonia & Masha & Spike :: Arts & Music
Hotel-Dinner-Theatre Package available - At El Sol Theater, downtown Silver City, NMInfo & Tickets: https://www.silvercitycommunitytheater.comSee Flyer:https://www.grantcountybeat.com/events-calendars/local-events/82833-it-s-wickedly-funny-mark-your-calendar
Location El Sol Theater
FREE in-person TAX PREPARATION SERVICE in Silver City! By Appointment Only. :: Education
AARP -Tax-Aide volunteers will prepare and file your Federal and State tax returns. No age or income restrictions. You do not need to be a member of AARP.Appointments are available for Tuesdays and Wednesdays.To make appointment Call 575-342-8990.
05:30am Silver Consolidated School Board of Education Work Session and Regular Baord Meeting :: Legal Notices
Work Session Meeting at 5:30 p.m. and will be followed by the Regular Board Meeting at 6:00 p.m. in the Board Room of SCS Admin Building 2810 N. Swan St., Silver City, NM 88061, and Streamed live on Facebook at: ...
Location Silver Consolidated Schools Administration Building
08:00am - 12:00pm WNMU Offering Free Tax Preparation Assistance :: Education
Western New Mexico University students are offering free tax preparation assistance to seniors and low-income. This free service is for people whose household income is $64,000 or less and for those who are 65 years or older. The volunteers — WNMU ...
Location WNMU Harlan Hall
09:00am - 06:00pm FREE in-person TAX PREPARATION SERVICE in Bayard! By Appointment Only. :: Education
AARP -Tax-Aide volunteers will prepare and file your Federal and State tax returns. No age or income restrictions. You do not need to be a member of AARP.Appointments are available for Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays.To make appointment Call 575-342-1892.
09:00am - 12:00pm Hospitality Industry Training: :: Education
Hospitality Industry Training: (Session 1) February 22 – March 21 Online Live Zoom Sessions 9 a.m. -noon (Session 2) June 5 – July 3 Online Live Zoom Sessions 9 a.m.-noon.Hospitality Industry Training includes a free 5-part training series that provides ...
10:00am - 12:00pm Deming True Tour :: Public Meetings
Join the New Mexico Tourism DepartmentSee flyer:https://www.grantcountybeat.com/news/news-releases/83138-deming-true-tour-march-19-2024
10:00am Silver City Public Library - Babytime :: Kids' Activity
Stories, songs, rhymes and movement for infants 0-24 months and their caregivers. Made possible by Imagination Library
Location Silver City Public Library
11:00am - 12:30pm Practice Conversational Spanish :: Education
We will practice speaking Spanish. All welcome. Bring your sense of humor and adventure. No charge. Hasta luego.Questions? Contact Liz Mikols ( emikols@Q.com ) or Susan Swanson ( swansongtx@yahoo.com ).March 12 will be held at Javalina
Location WNMU Miller Library
12:00pm - 01:00pm Rotary Speaker - Mary Ann Sedillo :: Public Meetings
Grant County Probate Judge Topic: "Probate."
Location WNMU Student Memorial Building
12:00pm - 01:00pm Silver City Fire Department to learn about their role in Fire Response Prevention and EMS :: Public Meetings
Join Silver City Fire Chief Milo Lambert and Assistant SCF Chief Aaron Seavers to learn about their role in Fire Response and Prevention and Emergency Medical Services. Firefighters - what type of training is required;Full press release:https://www.grantcountybeat.com/news/news-releases/83132-join-silver-city-fire-department-to-learn-about-their-role-in-fire-response-prevention-and-ems
Location WNMU Besse-Forward Global Resource Center
02:30pm - 05:30pm Equinox Celebration: Honoring the Sacred Feminine :: Health & Wellness
Join us as we welcome Spring with Honoring the Sacred Feminine, an Open House for women. To honor the Equinox and the divine feminine, we are transforming Lotus Center's movement room: Imagine a space that unites art exhibit with ceremonial blessing, ...
Location Lotus Center
04:00pm Silver City Public Library - build robots :: Kids' Activity
Come program and build robots. We have three new ones to try! Tuesday, March 19 at 4pm.Full press release:https://www.grantcountybeat.com/news/news-releases/82677-march-events-for-teen-and-children
Location Silver City Public Library
05:00pm Town of Hurley Special Meeting :: Legal Notices
The Council of the Town of Hurley will hold a Special Meeting. at the Hurley Community Center at 302 Carrasco Ave in Hurley, New Mexico for items listed. This meeting is open to the public and residents are encouraged to ...
Location Hurley Community Center
05:30pm - 06:30pm Co-Dependents Anonymous Meeting :: Public Meetings
Co-Dependents Anonymous (CoDA) is a Twelve Step Fellowship of people whose common purpose is to develop healthy relationships. The only requirement for membership is a desire for healthy and loving relationships. Beginning January 9th, 2024, the CoDA meeting in Silver ...
Location Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd
FREE in-person TAX PREPARATION SERVICE in Silver City! By Appointment Only. :: Education
AARP -Tax-Aide volunteers will prepare and file your Federal and State tax returns. No age or income restrictions. You do not need to be a member of AARP.Appointments are available for Tuesdays and Wednesdays.To make appointment Call 575-342-8990.
08:00am - 12:00pm WNMU Offering Free Tax Preparation Assistance :: Education
Western New Mexico University students are offering free tax preparation assistance to seniors and low-income. This free service is for people whose household income is $64,000 or less and for those who are 65 years or older. The volunteers — WNMU ...
Location WNMU Harlan Hall
09:00am - 06:00pm FREE in-person TAX PREPARATION SERVICE in Bayard! By Appointment Only. :: Education
AARP -Tax-Aide volunteers will prepare and file your Federal and State tax returns. No age or income restrictions. You do not need to be a member of AARP.Appointments are available for Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays.To make appointment Call 575-342-1892.
09:00am - 12:00pm Hospitality Industry Training: :: Education
Hospitality Industry Training: (Session 1) February 22 – March 21 Online Live Zoom Sessions 9 a.m. -noon (Session 2) June 5 – July 3 Online Live Zoom Sessions 9 a.m.-noon.Hospitality Industry Training includes a free 5-part training series that provides ...
10:00am Silver City Public Library - Storytime :: Kids' Activity
Stories, songs, and rhymes for children up to five years of age and their caregivers.https://www.grantcountybeat.com/news/news-releases/79744-awesome-teen-and-children-programs-at-the-silver-city-public-library
Location Silver City Public Library
01:00pm - 02:30pm Gin Rummy :: Social Events
Improve your brain. Play Gin Rummy. We will be happy to teach you.
Location Little Toad Creek Brewery
Contact 534-9355 for information
02:00pm Silver City Historic Design Review Commit- Canceled :: Legal Notices
Rescheduled for April 3, 2024.
04:00pm GRMC Board of Trustees Regular Meeting :: Legal Notices
The Gila Regional Medical Center Board of Trustees will convene in a Regular Board Meeting. The meeting will take place in the Board room at Gila Regional Medical Center located at 1313 E. 32nd Street Silver City, NM 88061Full legal ...
Location GRMC Boardroom
05:00pm GC Archaeological Society Special Event :: Arts & Music
GCAS transforms our regular monthly meeting into a special hybrid in-person and online Zoom event to be held at the Western New Mexico University Museum at Fleming Hall in support of their curation of the Museum's historic documents and photo ...
Location WNMU Fleming Hall & Museum
05:00pm Grant County Archaeological Society fundraiser :: Public Meetings
Grant County Archaeological Society (GCAS) transforms our regular monthly meeting into a special hybrid in-person and online Zoom event to be held at the Western New Mexico University Museum at Fleming Hall in support of their curation of the Museum's historic documents ...
Location WNMU Museum Fleming Hall
05:30pm Entrepreneur Story Time: WolfHorse Outfitters :: Public Meetings
Kick-Ass Entrepreneur Story Time with Joe Saenz, the entrepreneur behind WolfHorse Outfitters! Please note, story time is now on the 3rd Wednesday of the month.Join us at 5:30 pm to schmooze and visit with new and old friends!Story time starts at 6:00 pm.
Location Little Toad Creek Brewery
08:00am - 12:00pm WNMU Offering Free Tax Preparation Assistance :: Education
Western New Mexico University students are offering free tax preparation assistance to seniors and low-income. This free service is for people whose household income is $64,000 or less and for those who are 65 years or older. The volunteers — WNMU ...
Location WNMU Harlan Hall
09:00am - 12:00pm Hospitality Industry Training: :: Education
Hospitality Industry Training: (Session 1) February 22 – March 21 Online Live Zoom Sessions 9 a.m. -noon (Session 2) June 5 – July 3 Online Live Zoom Sessions 9 a.m.-noon.Hospitality Industry Training includes a free 5-part training series that provides ...
03:00pm Grant County Water Commission Tentatively Scheduled :: Public Meetings
This communication is to notify you that the GCWC Meeting tentatively scheduled for this Thursday, February 22, 2024, is being cancelled. The next meeting will be tentatively scheduled for the March 21. Please advise if you have any concerns. We apologize ...
03:00pm Grant County Water Commission will hold a regular meeting :: Legal Notices
The Grant County Water Commission will hold a regular meeting at the Town of Silver City, City Annex – 2nd Floor Conference Room located at 1203 N. Hudson St., Silver City, NM.Full legal notice:https://www.grantcountybeat.com/community/legals/83173-gc-water-commission-regular-meeting-march-21-2024
Location City Annex Building
03:00pm - 04:40pm Practice Conversational Spanish :: Education
We will practice speaking Spanish. All welcome. Bring your sense of humor and adventure. No charge. Hasta luego.Questions? Contact Liz Mikols ( emikols@Q.com ) or Susan Swanson ( swansongtx@yahoo.com ).March 15 will be held at Javalina
Location WNMU Miller Library
04:00pm Silver City Public Library - Minecraft club :: Kids' Activity
Minecraft club! Come play the popular video game. Explore Realms and go on adventure. Thursday, March 21 at 4pm.Full press release:https://www.grantcountybeat.com/news/news-releases/82677-march-events-for-teen-and-children
Location Silver City Public Library
04:00pm Silver City Public Library - Minecraft club! :: Kids' Activity
Minecraft club! Come play the popular video game. Explore Realms and go on adventure. Thursday, March 21 at 4pm.Full press release:https://www.grantcountybeat.com/news/news-releases/83182-sc-public-library-april-events-for-teen-and-children
Location Silver City Public Library
05:30pm “The College Tour: Mustang Edition” :: Arts & Music
Western New Mexico University will be hosting the premiere of an episode of the Amazon Prime TV series “The College Tour,” filmed entirely in southwestern New Mexico and showcasing the WNMU campus, the town of Silver City, and the Gila ...
Location WNMU Fine Arts Theatre
06:30pm Classic Westerns Film Series - Fort Bayard Historic Preservation Society :: Arts & Music
The Fort Bayard Historic Preservation Society will host a twelve part movie series, commencing on Thursday, January 11th, and continuing each Thursday evening through March 28th. The series will feature some of the most highly regarded Westerns produced by Hollywood ...
Location Santa Clara Armory
Contact Doug Dinwiddie at 575-388-4862
08:00am - 12:00pm WNMU Offering Free Tax Preparation Assistance :: Education
Western New Mexico University students are offering free tax preparation assistance to seniors and low-income. This free service is for people whose household income is $64,000 or less and for those who are 65 years or older. The volunteers — WNMU ...
Location WNMU Harlan Hall
05:30pm Dances of Universal Peace :: Arts & Music
Also known as spiritual dance, these meditative and joyous circle dances focus on peace and harmony. Simple movements and chants celebrate the underlying unity of all spiritual traditions to create an environment of open hearts and ecstatic community. First Church ...
Location First Church of Harmony
06:00pm - 08:00pm The Gila River Legacy & Reconciliation Gathering :: Public Meetings
A community event to celebrate the Gila Wilderness Centennial. Santa Clara, NM – Nuestra Tierra Conservation Project, Continental Divide Trail Coalition and Native Outdoors are partnering to bring together environmental advocates, philanthropists, change-makers, and local community leaders in support of ...
Location Santa Clara Armory
07:00pm Vanya & Sonia & Masha & Spike :: Arts & Music
Hotel-Dinner-Theatre Package available - At El Sol Theater, downtown Silver City, NMInfo & Tickets: https://www.silvercitycommunitytheater.comSee Flyer:https://www.grantcountybeat.com/events-calendars/local-events/82833-it-s-wickedly-funny-mark-your-calendar
Location El Sol Theater
04:00pm Silver City Public Library - Family Movie :: Kids' Activity
Come to our family movie. This one is about adventure and family. Saturday, March 23 at 4pm.
Location Silver City Public Library
07:00pm Vanya & Sonia & Masha & Spike :: Arts & Music
Hotel-Dinner-Theatre Package available - At El Sol Theater, downtown Silver City, NMInfo & Tickets: https://www.silvercitycommunitytheater.comSee Flyer:https://www.grantcountybeat.com/events-calendars/local-events/82833-it-s-wickedly-funny-mark-your-calendar
Location El Sol Theater
07:00pm Whiskey Creek Zócalo - The Silver City String Beans :: Arts & Music
Surprise! The band is back together! And we’re so excited to welcome them back! Get your dancing shoes ready - Silver City's own homegrown bluegrass band tickles those strings for a toe tapping foot stomping goo.Full press release:https://www.grantcountybeat.com/news/news-releases/82730-whiskey-creek-zocalo-march-events
Location Whiskey Creek Z+?calo
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