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{{/_source.additionalInfo}}[Editor's Note: This is part 8 and the final article of the Grant County Commission first work session of the month held April 9, 2024. This continues the review of the April 11, 2024 regular meeting, with additional reports given and decisions made at that meeting.]
By Mary Alice Murphy
At the regular meeting on April 11, 2024, elected officials presented their reports.
Clerk Marisa Castrillo had no report.
By Lynn Janes
The Village of Santa Clara held a meeting May 9, 2024. Mayor Arnold Lopez called the meeting to order. Mayor Pro Tem Albert Esparza, trustees, Olga Amador and Peter Erickson attended. Ralph Trujillo didn't attend.
Mayor's report
Photos and article by Mary Alice Murphy
Friday, May 17, 2024, brought about 40 people to the Grant County Veterans Memorial Business and Conference Center to rededicate the building to the veterans, for which it is named.
VFW members Frank Arias and Raymond Bejarano served as color guard.
Joe Drake, American Legion Allingham-Golding Post 18 commander, led the attendees in "The Star-Spangled Banner" and the Pledge of Allegiance.
[Editor's Note: This is part 7 of the Grant County Commission first work session of the month held April 9, 2024. This continues the review of the April 11, 2024 regular meeting, beginning with reports given and decisions made at that meeting.]
By Mary Alice Murphy
The review of the Grant County Commission April 11, 2024 regular meeting at the April 9, 2024 work session continued and brought two Gila Regional Medical Center reports at the Thursday meeting.
The first came from Dr. Fred Fox, GRMC Board of Trustees chair. He said that he and GRMC Chief Executive Officer Robert Whitaker would report in conjunction because he had missed a meeting and some of the things happening. He noted that the new board member, Jason Amaro, has been actively involved. "We are working collaboratively with local health care providers and the state on reestablishing the family residency program to bring more primary care providers and primary care residents to the area."
NM 152 remains closed through May 21, 2024Â
SILVER CITY- The New Mexico Department of Transportation (NMDOT) District One along with Highland Enterprise Inc. (Contractor) will be continuing a maintenance operation project to place "chip seal" pavement on NM 152, NM 35, and NM 15 in Grant County. The chip seal process is a surface treatment that is placed on the existing pavement. It is designed to seal out moisture and create a more durable surface extending the longevity of the roadway. Â
Grant County Commission presents proclamation for National Correctional Officers Week to Detention Center Administrator Joseph Andazola.
Commissioners present the National Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention Month proclamation to CASA Program Director Tanya Ortiz and an unidentified individual
DWI Program Coordinator Daniel Graves receives a certificate of appreciation from County Manager Charlene Webb.
Photos and article by Lynn Janes
Internships Displays
On May 8, 2024, Aldo Leopold Charter School held the end of the semester showcase for the internships that some of the students participated in and the YCC (Youth Conservation Corp) groups.
Each semester the students that participated with internships and the YCC give presentations. The school believes that students learn best by doing and having direct experience. Some of the students work with a local business as an intern and had displays that explained the job, what they did, and what they learned. Others join one of the YCC groups, eco monitoring, garden crew, trail crew or mural crew.
Photos by Mary Alice Murphy
Courtney Michaud, Western New Mexico University Department of Expressive Arts chair and ceramics associate professor, stood at the table where visitors to the May 11, 2024 Clay Sale in the Murray Hotel ballroom, could pay for their choices.Â
More advanced ceramics producers had separate tables with their work. Many other tables along the wall and out in the center of the room held innovative, creative, useful and colorful pieces for sale at reasonable prices, made by various ceramics students. Two of the advanced students who had a few pieces at the sale, also had pieces on display through Wednesday, May 15, at the WNMU McCray gallery. These can be viewed at https://www.grantcountybeat.com/news/news-articles/84158-mccray-gallery-clay-show-051124
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