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{{/_source.additionalInfo}}Independents Can Vote in Primaries using Same Day Registration.
Frost McGahey
The Grant County Beat was given incorrect information about how Independents and Declined to State can vote in the primaries. An election official from the Secretary of State's office said that only Democrats could vote in the Democratic Primary. That person failed to add that if an Independent used Same Day Registration, they could vote.
"Each polling place must have a Same Day Registration clerk to process voters who wish to change their registration in order to vote in the primaries. If you are not a Democrat, Republican, or Libertarian, you can re-register and vote," said Janice Arnold Jones, a former legislator who was a head of the Voter and Elections Committee.
Same Day Registration (SDR) can be used during early voting, which began May 7,2024, or on Election Day, June 4, 2024. A voter needs to go to their polling place and state that they want to use SDR and RE-REGISTER as a Democrat or Republican.
Two Grant County races have no Republican running in them so the winner of the Democrat primary will be elected. The races are for County Clerk and Magistrate Judge.
Randy Hernandez and Connie Holguin are running for County Clerk.
Patrick Snedeker and Matt Runnels are competing for Magistrate Judge.
A member of the League of Republican Women sent the Beat the link to find the information on SDR at the Secretary of State's website. It was extremely hard to find otherwise. Putting in the words Same Day Registration yielded nothing in the search engine. A voter had to put in SDR.
Also, in the brochure sent out by the Grant County Clerk's office there is a section on Same Day Registration that only mentions DTS (Declined to State), not Independents. However, another panel shows Closed Primary and states only Democrats, Republicans, and Libertarians can vote.
By Roger Lanse
A Silver City Police Department spokesman told the Beat on Tuesday, May 8, that four male juveniles, three 12-year-olds and a 9-year-old, were identified in reference to the vandalism incident at Stout Elementary School on Saturday, May 4. They have been charged with the offenses reported earlier, excepting the charge of minors allowing to be self-served. The four turned themselves in the next day.
Video provided by the school confirmed the identity of the four juveniles, who are awaiting summons to appear in court.
[Editor's Note: This is part 4 of the Grant County Commission first work session of the month held April 9, 2024. It continues county reports.]
By Mary Alice Murphy
To continue county director reports at the April 9, 2024 Grant County Commission work session, the new County Fire Chief Roger Groves, presented his first report.
"I've been on the job for just over two weeks," Groves opened his report. "The first 24 hours was a trial by fire, for real. We had a structure fire, an engine was rolled and firefighters extricated from the vehicle. All were fine. The engine sustained significant damage. I was pretty busy!"
By Roger Lanse
Silver City Police Department officers were dispatched to Stout Elementary School Saturday, May 4, at approximately 9:09 p.m. to an aggravated burglary complaint. When officers arrived, they made contact with William Hawkins, Superintendent for the Silver City School District, who advised the air seemed hazy in the first building which is the fifth and sixth grade building. According to a SCPD incident report, officers first cleared all SES buildings then entered Room 108, which Mr. K. Rogers uses to teach, which was "chaotic with broken glass from the window being shattered by approximately five rocks and a green bottle on a student's desk."
By Roger Lanse
On Saturday, May 4, 2024, at about 12:08 a.m., Silver City Police Department officers were dispatched to 2035 Pinos Altos Road in reference to a welfare check. The Grant County Regional Dispatch Authority advised an anonymous caller stated a male, who was bleeding heavily, was seen walking into the residence. According to an SCPD incident report, witnesses contacted at the residence denied anyone injured was in the residence and that everything was okay. Officers did not find any blood while walking around the house. There being no evidence of anyone injured on scene, officers left the residence.
[Editor's Note: This is part 3 of the Grant County Commission first work session of the month held April 9, 2024. It begins county reports.]
By Mary Alice Murphy
The first director report at the Grant County Commission April 9, 2024 work session, came from Detention Center Administrator Joseph Andazola. He said they had three officers in training, with four vacancies. "We did have an accreditation council meeting last month, and we did get approval for our application. It will go before the Accreditation Board and I am seeking approval to get our PARS (preliminary arraignment system) going."
Photos of the Give Grandly event on May 4, 2024 by Mary Alice Murphy
Seemingly, in addition to the de Kooning painting theft, which is chronicled in the links at the bottom of the article, some other stolen items have now been identified as having been in the possession of Jerry and Rita Alter.
KOB 4 posted this on May  2, 2024 and updated it on May 3, 2024.
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