This category will combine all universities that are not in Silver City, i.e. not WNMU, into one category under Non-Local News Releases
When this category is created, we have NMSU and ENMU that send us notices.-?
New Mexico State University's interim Provost Lakshmi Reddi announced the appointment of Enrico Pontelli, dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, as the "Special Advisor to the Provost for AI."
"I'm excited to get started immediately. I think it's good that the university is recognizing the importance of doing this," Pontelli said. "It's really a very comprehensive effort. But it's not going to happen overnight, it's going to take some time."
Pontelli, an NMSU Regents professor in computer science who serves as a point of contact for the New Mexico AI Consortium, will advise the provost on strategy and implementation of artificial intelligence initiatives across research, academics and partnerships for the university. He volunteered to take on the role without financial compensation.
NMSU professor receives NASA, NSF grants to inspire student researchers
New Mexico State University astronomy assistant professor Juie Shetye is inviting students to study secrets of the sun and causes of climate change through two grants of nearly $800,000 combined.
The awards allow Shetye to hire both undergraduate and graduate students to conduct research on two projects: one related to the sun's corona holes, the other about the causes of weather changes in Las Cruces and may be expanded to other cities in southern New Mexico.
Carlos Murguia, director of the Hunt Center for Entrepreneurship at New Mexico State University, recently graduated from the prestigious Center Leader Academy Certification program, a significant achievement that reinforces the Hunt Center's mission to elevate the entrepreneurial landscape within the region, and supports its vision of attaining national and international recognition.
Over the past two decades, entrepreneurship centers have experienced significant growth worldwide. However, development opportunities for center leaders and staff have not kept pace with this expansion. Recognizing the need for enhanced training and support, the Global Consortium of Entrepreneurship Centers partnered with the Center Leader Academy to provide comprehensive training that legitimizes and advances the role of entrepreneurship center leadership.
Although Genesis Valenzo won't graduate with her bachelor's degree in computer science until 2026, the New Mexico State University junior already has earned several accolades this year alone.
Valenzo was one of only 5 NMSU students selected to participate in the Google Tech Exchange program. She also was invited to the Apple Pathways Alliance as well as the Bloomberg HSI Tech Summit in New York City, the Netflix Summit and the Google Latinx Student Leadership Summit in Chicago, among others.
What could be better than a holiday film set in New Mexico? When the film is produced, written and directed by New Mexicans, of course. Another plus is New Mexico State University alumni and nearly three dozen NMSU film students were involved in the production.
It's called "Santa's Cousin," a heart-warming story following Santa's reluctant cousin, who saves a Christmas Jubilee for the picturesque town of Ruidoso and finds love along the way. Jonathan Stoddard and Alexandra Harris, who are fan favorites on many Hallmark and Holiday films, including "The Soulmate Search," star in the film along with screen veteran and Academy Award nominee Eric Roberts.
Portales, NM – November 15, 2024 – Eastern New Mexico University (ENMU) proudly announces the inaugural induction of art educators into the ENMU Art Educators Hall of Honors. This honor celebrates the extraordinary dedication, leadership, and impact of art educators who have significantly contributed to art education.
The ENMU Art Educators Hall of Honors, founded in 2024, will induct two to three honorees every three years, starting with the inaugural class this fall.
This year, ENMU is proud to induct two outstanding art educators as part of the inaugural class:
Thirty miles north of Santa Fe, a winding road leads to a four-and-a-half-acre farm surrounded by the Sangre de Cristo Mountains in the heart of Santa Cruz. It's where Don Bustos fuses centuries of tradition with modern touches to yield a picturesque bounty that feeds communities near and far.
Santa Cruz Farm has been in the hands of Bustos's family for more than 400 years.
Bustos grew up on the farm and later inherited it during the 1980s. He has since carried the farm into the 21st century, transforming it into a thriving operation that grows 72 varieties of produce and grosses six figures annually. It runs entirely on solar power and water from one of only two acequias in New Mexico that flow north.
Emily Stutesman always had an interest in both kinesiology and psychology, but she never thought the two fields would lead her to a path in medical research before participating in New Mexico State University's Discovery Scholars Program.
"It's such a unique opportunity, and I wish more people took advantage of it," said Stutesman, who graduated from NMSU in May and is now applying to physician's assistant programs. "I was able to craft my own research, speak with my professor one on one and make connections."
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