While NMGOP is Circling the Drain

 New Mexico Republicans can sail a course for success.

Is the NMGOP inconsequential? The latest Albuquerque Journal and Foxnews.com headlines would lead you to believe the answer is yes. Foxnews.com headline, "How this western battleground state shifted from purple to solid blue." Albuquerque Journal headline, "Republicans vow to appeal judge's ruling upholding New Mexico's congressional redistricting." I believe the path NMGOP leaders chose is the problem, not the Republican Party of New Mexico.  

I have heard it so many times from major candidates that I can recite the words in my sleep. "I am Pro-God, Pro-Trump, Pro-Life, Pro-Gun, Pro-Oil & Gas, Pro-Business." A small percentage of New Mexican voters would agree on all six positions. The Democrats know it, and they make sure voters know it.


In New Mexico, eighty percent identify as Catholic. At the same time, the NMGOP holds many party meetings at Evangelical Churches, and the invocation resembles a prayer at a tent revival. I am not proposing we hold meetings at Catholic churches or Jewish synagogues, nor does everyone need to make the Sign of the Cross or wear Kippah. Can we just welcome all faiths?


 In New Mexico, forty-three percent approve, and fifty-four percent disapprove of Donald Trump. However, I expect at least eighty percent of Americans to approve of his legacy of a record high employment rate, record low interest rates, low energy costs with energy independence, record decrease in greenhouse gas, a secure border, and world peace. Can we just support moving forward to the successes of four years ago?  


In New Mexico, eighty percent oppose late-term abortions, and eighty percent oppose a strict abortion ban in New Mexico. When a Republican candidate from a Pro-Life single-issue organization runs for state-wide office, Democrats paint all Republicans as strict abortion-ban candidates. Meanwhile, New Mexico is becoming the nation's premier later-term abortion provider (Do we have a Kermit Gosnell lurking in the shadows of New Mexico?). Can we unite against the late-term abortion industry in New Mexico?   


In New Mexico, ninety-one percent of New Mexicans believe a person and not a gun is responsible for committing a crime. Sixty-eight percent of New Mexicans opposed Governor Lujan Grisham's attack on the Second Amendment rights of Bernalillo County Residents. That is why Democrats, Republicans, Libertarians, and Independent voters overwhelmingly rejected MLG's attack on law-abiding citizens' ability to carry a weapon and not hold gun-toting criminals accountable. Can we support law-abiding citizens arming themselves while holding violent criminals accountable for illegally possessing and using firearms?  

Pro-Oil & Gas

Most New Mexicans support renewable energy, energy independence, and low-cost energy. They believe waiting for an electric vehicle to recharge its battery when crossing the state is bad, and they understand the oil and gas industry taxes keep our state afloat. But the only people I hear say, "I am Pro Oil and Gas," are Republicans counting on donations from the oil and gas industry. Can we support low-cost energy for New Mexican families while respecting the environment?  


When we say we are Pro-Business, most New Mexicans hear they support the Fat Cats. At the same time, Democrats are saying they will make Big Business pay their share while supporting Big Business and Labor.  Can we support good-paying jobs and end forced union dues?         

The National Shipwreck among House Republicans

Representative Matt Rosendale of Montana, a member of the Freedom Caucus, recently admitted, "When a lot of people, unfortunately, were voting, to have a 270, 280 Republican House, I was praying each evening for a small majority, because I recognize that a small majority was the only way that we were going to advance a conservative agenda."

Like a shipwreck, Rosendale serves as a warning to New Mexico's Republicans. Holding out for one hundred percent of what you want risks not just getting nothing but getting much more of what you do not want.

Let's Sail a Course for Success

Seventy percent of New Mexico's voters who occupy the center-right, center, and center-left positions are dissatisfied with both parties. Can we let go of the fifteen percent we will never get in exchange for the seventy percent we want?

We will continue to struggle to motivate Republicans to vote when the NMGOP behaves as victims of Democrats' redistricting. CD-1 continues to have a majority of Democrats. However, CD-2 has more Democrats, and CD-3 has more Republicans. A visionary leader can win CD-2 and CD-3 and motivate all of New Mexico's Republicans.

NMGOP needs a new leader who understands New Mexicans' daily challenges, possesses compassion for those struggling, and has the courage to take on those who stand in the way of a better tomorrow.  

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