Editorial content. Content posted here may or may not reflect the opinions of the Beat. They reflect the opinions of the author.

New Mexico's left comes for oil and gas

By Paul Gessing 

In recent years the "left" including most, but not all, in the Democratic Party have turned sharply against traditional energy sources. Despite New Mexico's status as a leading energy state, it has not been exempted from this trend.

In fact, while New Mexico has seen an unprecedented oil and gas boom (which has unlocked unprecedented government revenues) New Mexico's political leadership has become virulently anti-energy. This is true for all five members of its congressional delegation which all reflexively support anti-energy policies that are contrary to the State's interests.

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Op-ed on SB 111

GRANT COUNTY — This week Senator Siah Correa Hemphill introduced SB 111 on behalf of GRIP (Gila Resources Information Project) which, if enacted, would establish the most extreme water restrictions and regulations on miners, farmers, ranchers and private property owners.

Mining and agriculture play a vital role in Grant County's economy, providing much-needed jobs and contributing to the overall growth and prosperity of the region. By introducing this bill, Correa Hemphill is showing a callous disregard for the economic well-being of her own community.

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What’s wrong with 4-day school weeks?

This was first published at https://errorsofenchantment.com/whats-wrong-with-4-day-school-weeks/ 

Gov. Lujan Grisham is seemingly hell-bent on stopping school districts in New Mexico from operating on a four day week. She specifically called out these districts in her State of the State address as well and has put $100 million in her budget to ensure ALL New Mexico districts embrace a 5 day week. 

Just to be crystal clear, 4 day weeks don’t mean less time in school. New Mexico students have to be in their classrooms for a set amount of time.

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The Fentanyl Crisis is Preying on Our Children - Opinion

By: Representative Stafani Lord

c: 505-220-1913

e: stefanilord2@gmail.com 

In the shadow of unceasing and harrowing tales of child neglect and abuse across our state, compounded by the escalating menace of the fentanyl crisis preying on our children, our duty as legislators to act with urgency and resolve has never been more pressing. This is why I am proposing a legislative amendment to our Criminal Code – a decisive step to recognize that exposing a child to fentanyl is unmistakably an act of child abuse. This amendment is not just my voice but echoes the urgent calls from our law enforcement and district attorneys.

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Why does Financial Literacy matter in our schools?

By State Treasurer Laura M. Montoya

Growing up in rural NM, the eldest of three, I had no choice but to grow up fast. I helped care for my siblings and in addition, worked my first jobs cleaning houses and babysitting. I gave the money I earned to my mama, and quickly learned the value of a dollar, the meaning of family unity, and teamwork.

Like many NM families, I grew up with humble beginnings and learned most of my life lessons regarding finances by trial and error, whether it was my own or someone I knew. Although I loved math and was in Calculus in high school, I had no clue as to how to balance a check book, know what a savings account was, or what a stock or CD were.

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First: Do No Harm

By Paul J. Gessing

With yet another massive budget surplus awaiting the New Mexico Legislature as they convene in Santa Fe for the 2024 30-day legislative session, this column should rightly be replete with ideas for how the Gov. and Legislature can use that surplus to diversify the State's economy and bring New Mexico out of poverty. Alas, if we learned nothing from last year's 2023 session, it is that even at a time of surplus, the Legislature can still harm our economy.

As the Legislature convened last year with a $3.6 billion surplus, the tax "omnibus" bill included provisions that would have raised the personal income tax, "sin" taxes on alcohol and tobacco, and would have raised capital gains and corporate income taxes as well. All tax hikes must come from somewhere and they always come out of the pockets of businesses and consumers. Gov. Lujan Grisham (thankfully) vetoed the tax hikes contained in last year's "omnibus" bill.

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Colorado Supreme Court is "Like a Box of Chocolates" 

"Why doesn’t every American understand that If they can do this to a former US President, EVERYONE is vulnerable to punishment for crimes with which they have never been convicted. -- Robert F. Kennedy Jr, Dec. 21, 2023, posting on social media the Colorado Supreme Court ruling disallowing Trump on the 2024 ballot.
                                                               *    *     *     *     *  

Forrest Gump was an Einstein compared to the brainiacs sitting on the bench of Colorado's Supreme Court.  His movie comment, "Stupid is as stupid does" would have been too easy a headline selection, and an obvious give-away for this article.

I'll just leave it to the reader to recall the conclusion of his remark -- "You never know what you're gonna get" when comparing the court's recent Trump resolution to Forrest's chocolate candy observations. 

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