This category will hold letters to the editor, as requested by at least one Beat reader. This editor agrees that letters to the editor should be separate from editorials. Letters to the editor may not reflect the opinions of the editor.

Letter to the Editor re: Sen. Hemphill and WNMU's Shepard

Siah opening day 225x300Courtesy photoGreat to see State Senator Siah Hemphill sporting a white mink coat for the new 2024 Legislative session, just as she grills local U President on 'supposed' excessive Shepard and the University Regents (a) broaden Western's curriculum, (b) expand the student base, (c) improve the campus infrastructure, (d) resurrect a Cultural Calendar of events...with Mariachi Plata de Western; and now, as just reported, (e) possibly expanding the academia of job training and associate instruction to Santa Clara, NM, while working with SW New Mexico's largest employer.

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Joe Shepard – No Friend to Grant County

Dear Editor:

Dr Joseph Shepard's days of robbing WNMU University funds for his own benefit may be coming to an end. This latest article from Searchlight New Mexico, an investigative journalism organization,  gives many of the details.

Joe, a smooth talking, always smiling, morally bankrupt individual, and his wife, Valerie Plame, being complicit in this corruption, both need to be shown the door and kicked out of Grant County.

The University Regents who have participated in and condoned this corruption also need to be held accountable. It sickens me when I think back to the days when I considered Joe Shepard to be a friend and an honest community leader.

Mark S Donnell, MD Silver City, NM

Progressive Socialism and the selective application of the 1st Amendment

In October 2023, Physicians for Informed Consent [PIC] a 501(c)(3) nonprofit educational organization, was pleased to observe the California legislature and Governor Newsom repeal the misinformation statute, effective January 1, 2024. This meant a doctor could not be censured or suspended for merely speaking out against the covid dogma promoted by the Surgeon General. A win for the 1st Amendment. Wait, not so fast.

At the same time last year, a medical doctor (not a PIC member) was accused by the Medical Board of California for "failure to wear a mask" during a patient visit, and making statements such as "masks don't stop viruses" and "encouraging the use of veterinary ivermectin" for COVID-19, without informing the patient that "she was advising actions/inactions that fell below the standard of care in the community." Last month the physician surrendered her medical license.

The PIC again filed suit. PIC General counsel, Greg Glaser, Esq., "This new lawsuit is necessary because the medical boards in California are still not respecting the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution and doctors' speech is being chilled."

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