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{{/_source.additionalInfo}}This category will hold letters to the editor, as requested by at least one Beat reader. This editor agrees that letters to the editor should be separate from editorials. Letters to the editor may not reflect the opinions of the editor.
Managed Care Organizations Unite to Expand Access to Care for New Mexicans
Brandon Fryar, president, Presbyterian Health Plan
Carolyn Ingram, president, Molina Healthcare New Mexico
Andrew Peterson, CEO, UnitedHealthcare Community Plan of New Mexico
Janice Torrez, president, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of New Mexico
In our state, managed care organizations (MCOs) safeguard access to critical and comprehensive health care services for nearly one in two New Mexicans. Under the Medicaid Turquoise Care program, it is our responsibility and privilege to ensure that New Mexicans access high-quality care and achieve positive health outcomes.
Dear Editor of the Beat
Just got my 'absent voter balloting material' or 'mail-in ballot,' reference the Aug. 20, 2024, school bond questions. The outer envelope had been completely torn open along the top edge. Although all the balloting material was there, it sure brought to mind the potential fraud the voting-by-mail process is subject to.
And, why does everyone get to vote on the bond issue, but only property owners foot the bill?
Roger Lanse
Grant County
Yeah, the Republican's big convention last week in Milwaukee was entertaining, providing moments of history, comedy, and a featured speaker who actually survived an assassination attempt.
Then, about ten days later, President Biden's Director of the Secret Service resigned, admitting her agency had committed intolerable screwups. She still doesn't understand how the shooting was allowed to happen, but everyone else does.
Can Democrats top this next month?
Dear Editor:
Congressman Gabe Vasquez is not suitable for representing Silver City and Grant county anymore. He is the former city councilman from Las Cruces who was raised not in the United States but in Ciudad Juárez, Mexico, according to Wikipedia. He has just in the past few days introduced a bill in Congress that he calls the "Stop Fentanyl at the Border Act."
His answer to the very profitable illegal border invasion by the cartels is more money! YOUR money for this act!
I've mentioned there were at least two arguments concerning President Joe's perilous situation – he said he's not going anywhere and will be the Democrat Party's 2024 Presidential Nominee, or he gets the boot, and Vice President Kamala Harris will be working her way towards the pitcher's mound.
Which is kind of like saying "Joe's the greatest of all time!" or "Throw the bum out!"
Obviously, a wide discrepancy between the two.
It's a little early – or late – for April Fool's jokes, but that's what looks like is happening within certain segments of the Democrat Party.
President Biden's rapidly descending popularity, brought on by his disastrous CNN televised debate with Donald Trump on June 27, 2024, suddenly elevated Vice President Kamala Harris into the limelight of a possible run for the Presidency.
The ultimate Murphy's Law conundrum: Just when you thought it couldn't get any worse, it does!
The letter that Sonya Dixon, Bayard librarian, submitted to every one of the Bayard council members and Clerk/Treasurer Martha Salas on June 27, 2024, is attached at the bottom of the page.
Before the letter are her comments about what she experienced during the June 24th regular Bayard Council meeting:
Conveniently, there seems to be no recording of the events that took place once I exited the building. I was barred from returning inside by the police chief. I was told by Mayor Ojinaga that I would not have access to my file cabinet, folders or documents inside of the library. I left and came back with my keys. I didn't need them, it seemed, and needed them off of my person lest I be accused of something.
President Joe wants to grant another 500,000 non-residents permanent residency. Guess he figures after allowing entrance to an estimated ten million undocumented migrants – not counting over a million "got-aways" – why not permit a half-million of them amnesty?
We'll get around to the other 9.5 million later. More people than the combined populations of Arizona and New Mexico. After all, it takes a while to process the paperwork.
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