Did you know?

New Mexico’s Democratic leadership has hit another milestone for the worst

New Mexico is officially the #1 most dangerous state in America, according to a ranking by U.S. News & World Report

According to the platform, the ranking factors in each state's violent crime rate and property crime rate to determine how well they foster public safety.

You can thank your Democratic State Representatives who have worked hard to kill almost every tough crime bill that Republicans have tried to pass during every legislative session, including this previous one!

Just this January:

  • Republicans tried to end the revolving door of crime and keep the most dangerous, violent criminals behind bars. Democrats killed those bills.

  • Republicans tried to instill harsher penalties for felons in possession of a firearm. 

    Democrats killed those bills. 

  • Republicans tried to instill tougher penalties for sexual offenders, especially those who target children. Democrats killed those bills.

  • Republicans tried to secure the open border and stop cartel activity from taking advantage of it. Democrats killed those bills.

Are you seeing a pattern here? 

Democrats hold a majority in both legislative chambers as well as the Governor’s office. They could have passed any crime law they wanted for decades, but they haven’t. As a matter of fact, they have chosen to pursue passing laws that would lessen penalties for criminals and hinder the police.

Are you seeing a pattern yet? 

Now that Democrats have succeeded in making New Mexico the most dangerous state in the nation, are they backtracking and changing their direction? NO.

Rather than addressing the root causes of violent crime, they are shifting their focus towards you, the law-abiding citizen, and attempting to undermine your Second Amendment right to protect yourself and your family against the very threats their policies have fostered.

Democratic leadership, both state and nationwide, continuously shows they care more about criminals than keeping your kids and families safe.

This is not your grandparents' Democratic Party. Today’s Democratic party has been infiltrated by radicals and extremists who openly hate our country, our values, our freedoms, and especially our unity as Americans.

This November, we encourage you to vote for every Republican on your ballot to ensure that New Mexico takes a firm stand against crime and gets off all of the bad lists. 

If you believe New Mexico deserves better, Vote Republican in November!

You have this information, now what?

Make it a habit of contacting your Democratic Reps and asking them to prioritize tough crime bills in the upcoming special session, particularly regarding border security.  

Gov. Lujan Grisham has stated she’s not interested in bringing up border security in the special session, let her know you want to see it addressed and supported. Remember, these Representatives work for YOU.

Find and contact NM State Representatives and Senators HERE.

Contact Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham: (505) 476-2200

Tired of Democrats? Find all of the qualified Republicans running in your district

2024 Primary Election Contest/Candidate List (state.nm.us)

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