
When I first ran for a seat in the New Mexico House of Representatives, I ran against a powerful Democrat. Having worked in the local Republican Party, I could see and hear the frustration across members of the community. We were all asking the same question: Are our values being respected and represented in Santa Fe? The answer was clearly, "No".

Concerned citizens united to drive change. Common sense ideas, hard work, integrity, and an excellent team challenged the status quo, and I was elected in 2010 to represent House District 55 – the first Republican and first woman to do so. Faith, family, liberty, and constitutional rights are highly valued in our community. I also value and guard these ideals daily on your behalf.

Currently, I rank seventh in seniority in the New Mexico House. The knowledge I have gained and the relationships I have built during my time in office have resulted in many wins.

Social Security benefits aren't taxed for most New Mexico senior citizens. Financial literacy is now a required subject in all public high schools. The Carlsbad brine well was successfully remediated and no longer threatens public safety. The most recent attacks on the oil and gas industry by Progressive Democrats were stopped. The community college in Carlsbad is thriving as an independent institution. And, because I passed legislation amending the lodger's tax, municipalities like Carlsbad and Hobbs have more available revenue without a tax increase. These are just a few examples of work I have done.

In the upcoming June 4th primary election, my legislative achievements are front and center, and experience I have gained serving as a Representative is a huge factor. It's manageable to navigate in a local pond with five county commissioners. It's far more difficult to navigate in a sea of 112 legislators, the majority of whom are Progressive Democrats. It's as different as checkers is from chess.

The uphill climb we face in the House is the "45:25 dilemma." Of 70 Representatives, only 25 are Republican. The next two years will be especially challenging, as four high-performing Republican members of the southeastern legislative delegation are now seeking seats in the Senate. It is more important than ever that we retain the seasoned members we still have. The solution is not to swap out one Republican with another; it's to elect more Republicans.

If reelected, I will become the senior-most House Republican. Longevity contributed to my appointment to the powerful House budget committee, allowing me to advocate for conservative spending priorities like education reform and road projects. If reelected, I will also continue serving as the ranking Republican on the House transportation committee, which is advantageous for southeastern New Mexico.

When I entered politics, I dedicated myself to serving as your full-time State Representative and promised to zealously advocate for the people and interests of District 55. I respectfully ask for your vote so I may continue serving you. Now is not the time to replace a successful legislator with an aspiring rookie.

Cathrynn Brown

Incumbent State Representative, District 55

Carlsbad, Otis, Loving, Malaga, Eunice & Jal

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