RPNM Slams Lujan Grisham's Environmental Board for Doubling Down on EV Mandate

April 9—On Friday, the unelected New Mexico Environmental Improvement Board (EIB) voted 4-1 to reject a request to pause the enforcement of their electric vehicle mandate. Their decision was made despite ongoing legal challenges from New Mexico auto dealers who argue that the regulations will have negative impacts on the auto industry.

These mandates adopted by the board last year require that 43% of new cars and light-duty trucks delivered to New Mexico must be electric vehicles within two years, with this percentage increasing to 82% by 2032. Additionally, 15% to 20% of new, heavier-duty commercial trucks delivered to the state must be electric by 2026, and 40% to 70% must be zero emissions by 2034.

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RPNM Comments on President Biden's State of the Union Address

MARCH 7—Tonight, President Joe Biden delivered his final State of the Union address before the 2024 election. The President made an appeal to the nation that is facing many historic crises and challenges which have worsened under his administration.

Republican Party of New Mexico Chairman and former Congressman Steve Pearce gave the following remarks following the President's speech:

"The President's address was riddled with inaccuracies, deflection of responsibility, and hollow promises. When New Mexicans see the increase in their cost of living, the alarming crime rates, and the ongoing border crisis, it's clear the state of the union is in decline.

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House Democrats Delay Bill to Provide Emergency Funding to Rural Hospitals

House Democrats Delay Bill to Provide Emergency Funding to Rural Hospitals 

SANTA FE—Today, Democrats on the House Health and Human Services Committee delayed the advancement of Senate Bill 161, a bill that would provide essential funding for rural hospitals facing closure.

The bill sponsor, Senator Pat Woods (R-Broadview), issued the following statement:

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Statement Following Advancement of “Clean Fuels” Bill

Senator David Gallegos, Senator Steven McCutcheon Issue Statement Following Advancement of “Clean Fuels” Bill

SANTA FE—This morning, the Senate Conservation Committee advanced House Bill 41 on a party-line vote of 6-3. All Senate Republicans voted against the measure. The bill gives expanded authority to the unelected Environmental Improvement Board (EIB) to impose a carbon pricing system to reduce carbon emissions from transportation fuels such as gasoline and diesel. 

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RPNM Legislative Updates 1-2-2024

To view the daily RPNM Legislative update, please visit this link: https://us19.campaign-archive.com/?e=9aeaa1ff94&u=326e4efd2a63b977bdaeff73a&id=9327703a64 

[Editor's Note: We don't have time to get rid of all the html junk in these emails that it takes to make it possible to publish it.]

This way, you get the whole thing.

Senate Republicans Propose Tax Relief Bills

Senate Republicans Propose Tax Relief Bills for Teachers, Farmers, Veterans, and Adoptive Parents

SANTA FE—This Legislative Session, Senate Republicans have proposed a suite of proposals to offer tax breaks for teachers, farmers, military veterans, and adoptive parents. The bills received affirmative support from the Senate Tax, Business, and Transportation Committee this week and will now be considered for inclusion in an omnibus tax package. All four proposals were included in the tax package last year, but were vetoed by Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham.

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RPNM newsletter 013124

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🚨Call to Action!🚨

We’ve made this guide to help you stay up-to-date and get involved this year.

Remember, your representatives work for YOU and are elected to represent YOU.

Let your representatives know where you stand by speaking up during committee hearings, either in person or via Zoom. Your voice holds a ton of weight.

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RPNM Legislative Updates - Democrats Kill ‘Revolving Door’ Bill & More

Senator Craig Brandt Issues Statement After Democrats Kill ‘Revolving Door’ Bill 

Via: NM Senate Republicans

January 29, 2024
SANTA FE—Today, Senate Republican Whip, Senator Craig Brandt (R- Rio Rancho) presented Senate Bill 122 before the Senate Health and Public Affairs Committee. Despite support from top law enforcement officials and prosecutors, Democrats on the committee tabled the bill on a 5-4 vote. The bill would have changed the law to allow for the holding of violent offenders pending trial to ensure they do not commit further crimes. 

Following the tabling of the bill, Senator Brandt issued the following statement:

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