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{{/_source.additionalInfo}}Alarm Bells Ringing Loud in Biden/Heinrich/Vasquez Campaigns Today
ALBUQUERQUE, NM, JULY 12—The New York Times reported today that "in a meeting at the White House last week, Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham told Mr. Biden that she feared he would lose her state, according to two people briefed on her comments."
This is in line with a Democrat-conducted post-debate poll showing the state has turned from solid blue to purple, with Biden narrowly losing the state and polls showing Nella Domenici virtually tied with Martin Heinrich in the U.S. Senate race.
ALBUQUERQUE, JULY 11—This evening, President Joe Biden held what White House officials dubbed a "big boy press conference," referring to his first formal solo press conference since 2022. After Biden's disastrous debate performance that called into question his physical and cognitive ability to lead the country, this press conference would prove to be another crucial opportunity for Americans to see Biden and judge his fitness for the highest office.
Republican Party of New Mexico spokeswoman Ash Soular issued the following statement following President Biden's press conference this evening:
Today, we come together as a country to celebrate the birth of America and to pay homage to the foundational principles of liberty that have united us and made us the greatest nation in the world.
On July 4th, 1776, the Continental Congress adopted the Declaration of Independence, establishing a nation committed to resisting governmental tyranny, upholding the principle that the government's purpose is to safeguard the rights of its people, and affirming the belief that all men are created equal, each endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, namely life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
The spokesperson for Heinrich made clear how vulnerable Heinrich is and how much of a drag Joe Biden is in New Mexico
ALBUQUERQUE, NM, JUNE 28 €”Democratic Senator Martin Heinrich's spokesperson shared two statements expressing worry over Joe Biden's disastrous debate performance on Thursday evening. The tweets reveal the anxiety within the Heinrich campaign regarding the U.S. Senate race in New Mexico, their concern about the Democratic ticket under Joe Biden's leadership, and their inability to defend their record of failures.
Simply put, it was a bad night for Martin Heinrich and New Mexico Democrats.
JUNE 14, ALBUQUERQUE, NM—A new report from The Washington Examiner exposed Democratic Senator Martin Heinrich's Wall Street hypocrisy. Despite empty attacks on his political opponent, Senator Heinrich has taken over $330,000 from PACs tied to the largest banks such as UBS, the American Bankers Association, Citigroup, Blackrock, Wells Fargo, and $450,000 from executives at influential firms such as Bain Capital, Blackrock, Blackstone, Lone Pine Capital, and Schooner Capital. Heinrich recently wrote to his supporters in a fundraising email that he's "not in this fight to prop up Wall Street."
RPNM Calls on the Congressman to Resign
MAY 30—Today, shocking revelations about New Mexico Democratic Representative Gabe Vasquez's past have surfaced in uncovered police reports that detail his use of the "N-word" to harass a former work colleague after his termination from his job due to falsifying data, domestic disturbances between him and his former girlfriend, and attempting to evade law enforcement by flushing his marijuana down the toilette which was illegal to possess at the time. This is in addition to the news that surfaced this week that the congressman had an arrest warrant executed against him in El Paso, TX in March of this year for failing to appear in court several times on charges of driving without insurance or license and disregarding a traffic control device.
When I first ran for a seat in the New Mexico House of Representatives, I ran against a powerful Democrat. Having worked in the local Republican Party, I could see and hear the frustration across members of the community. We were all asking the same question: Are our values being respected and represented in Santa Fe? The answer was clearly, "No".
Concerned citizens united to drive change. Common sense ideas, hard work, integrity, and an excellent team challenged the status quo, and I was elected in 2010 to represent House District 55 – the first Republican and first woman to do so. Faith, family, liberty, and constitutional rights are highly valued in our community. I also value and guard these ideals daily on your behalf.
New Mexico's Democratic leadership has hit another milestone for the worst!Â
New Mexico is officially the #1 most dangerous state in America, according to a ranking by U.S. News & World Report.Â
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