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{{/_source.additionalInfo}}Democrat State Rep. Ambrose Castellano in interviews justified expensing a trip to Hawaii, new vehicle tires and restaurant tabs of more than $1,000 to his campaign as not only allowable but necessary to perform his legislative and political duties. Â
Santa Fe, NM -Â Today, Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham announced that she will call the legislature into special session this summer beginning on July 18th to address issues related to public safety and behavioral healthcare. The special session is expected to last several days.
New Mexico House Speaker Javier MartÃnez (D-Albuquerque), Majority Floor Leader Gail Chasey (D-Albuquerque), Majority Whip Reena Szczepanski (D-Santa Fe), and Majority Caucus Chair Ray Lara (D-Chamberino) issued the following statement:
APRIL 17—Today, Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham announced in a press release that she will call the New Mexico Legislature into a special session set to begin on Thursday, July 18th, to address what she says are "additional public safety protections."
The Republican Party of New Mexico Chairman and former Congressman Steve Pearce gives the following statement in response:
"When New Mexicans hear that Gov. Lujan Grisham is calling a special session to address public safety, a chill runs down their spines because her past actions prove that she is not interested in taking measures against criminals, but rather against law-abiding citizens.
April 9—On Friday, the unelected New Mexico Environmental Improvement Board (EIB) voted 4-1 to reject a request to pause the enforcement of their electric vehicle mandate. Their decision was made despite ongoing legal challenges from New Mexico auto dealers who argue that the regulations will have negative impacts on the auto industry.
These mandates adopted by the board last year require that 43% of new cars and light-duty trucks delivered to New Mexico must be electric vehicles within two years, with this percentage increasing to 82% by 2032. Additionally, 15% to 20% of new, heavier-duty commercial trucks delivered to the state must be electric by 2026, and 40% to 70% must be zero emissions by 2034.
MARCH 7—Tonight, President Joe Biden delivered his final State of the Union address before the 2024 election. The President made an appeal to the nation that is facing many historic crises and challenges which have worsened under his administration.
Republican Party of New Mexico Chairman and former Congressman Steve Pearce gave the following remarks following the President's speech:
"The President's address was riddled with inaccuracies, deflection of responsibility, and hollow promises. When New Mexicans see the increase in their cost of living, the alarming crime rates, and the ongoing border crisis, it's clear the state of the union is in decline.
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