Robert D. Peterson of NMSU (at right) looks at one of the books out of Gale Moore's estate. (Photo by Mary Alice Murphy)

The late Gale L. Moore (shown below), the publisher of the Glenwood Gazette, created and continued to publish for more than 10 years the monthly newspaper out of a passion to make sure rural residents and their areas across southwestern New Mexico and eastern Arizona received notice and recognition.

She died suddenly just over a year ago, much to the dismay and extreme sense of loss of her many friends and fans, as well as readers of the Gazette.

Her cousin, Sharon Wilkening of Texas, Gale's closest living relative, suggested that the belongings from her house and three storage areas be sold to endow a scholarship for a journalist and communicator.

The scholarship has been created in the Department of Agricultural Extension and Education in the College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences in the New Mexico State University Foundation.

A check for more than $17,000 was turned over to Robert D. Peterson, director of planned giving in the NMSU Office of University Advancement, on Tuesday.

"I think the scholarship will be a wonderful tribute to Gale and her work," Peterson said. "It will help the dreams of Aggie students come true."

Endowing a scholarship requires a minimum of $25,000, so donations continue to be requested. If it is not endowed within five years, it will become a current use account, but once the fund is exhausted it will cease to exist.

Gale's family and friends request donations under the following requirements:

The title of the fund is the Gale L. Moore Endowed Scholarship, and may be made in memory of Gale. Donations will be payable to the NMSU Foundation Inc., with the memo or correspondence noting "For the Gale L. Moore Endowed Scholarship" in the College of Ag (ACES), sent to NMSU Foundation, PO Box 3590, Las Cruces, NM 88003.

Giving online can be done at, with the same notation: "For the Gale L. Moore Endowed Scholarship" in the College of Ag (ACES).

Several criteria must be met to qualify for the scholarship. They include having a major in the College of ACES, with an emphasis in agricultural communication; a minimum GPA; and with preference to a female student from the four southwestern counties of New Mexico. Specific criteria will be given upon application.

Those who have worked on accumulating this money include many, and it is hoped that no names are left off this not-comprehensive list, which includes Judy O'Loughlin, Lynn Geyer, Beth Menczer, Ralph Gauer, Mickey and Rawlings Lemon, Chris and Sally Raphael, Bobbi Dodson, and Mary Alice Murphy, all of whom helped with the estate sale that took place last fall.

"Those who have participated have been brought together into the Gale Moore circle of support," O'Loughlin said. "Gale brought us together and will keep bringing people together for good things. This scholarship will bring NMSU students into the circle as well."

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