wnmu regents mar 2018 rsWNMU regents from left, Dan Salzwedel, Arlean Murillo, Jerry A. Walz,
Janice Baca-Argabright, and Carl Foster
Silver City, NM – The Western New Mexico University Board of Regents unanimously approved the 2018-19 student fees and tuition amounts, which will not be increased, and voted to move ahead with the capital projects transmittal for underground utilities on campus and with the disposal of depreciated computers during their meeting on Tuesday, March 20, 2018, at Western New Mexico University.

In discussion about the 2018-19 student fees, student body President Tim Stillman said that while the distribution of student fees is changing slightly, the amount students pay will remain exactly the same. "Monies are being moved around between departments," he said.

Regarding the 2018-19 tuition recommendation, Vice President for Business Affairs Kelley Riddle said, "We are not requesting any tuition increase at this time."

Regent Chair Jerry Walz expressed support for low and consistent tuition rates, saying, "I'd like to see us hold that line for a while in the future."

Riddle presented the Capital Projects Transmittal for Underground Utilities action item, which sets aside $485,681 for the construction project, saying, "This plan goes hand-in-hand with the College Avenue improvements we are partnering on."

She also explained the Asset Disposal action item. "These are all computers that have been depreciated, the bulk of which came from the lab in the Global Resource Center," Riddle said.

In the Associated Students of Western New Mexico University informational report, Stillman briefed the board on the student government election process and on some minor constitutional amendments.

President of Staff Senate Dean Foster said that his organization is refining the staff handbook, re-evaluating the self-assessment process, updating staff job descriptions, and continuing a salary and benefits study.

President of Faculty Senate Dr. Andrew (Andy) Hernandez said he and the university's vice presidents have successfully collaborated to improve communication on campus. He also said he would share preliminary findings of the faculty salary study by the April board meeting.

President Shepard provided a legislative update. "We had a very good session as a university. Still, we're doing more with less," he said.

He updated the board on current construction projects and the recent school of business accreditation visit, among other news and events. "A national merit scholar has agreed to attend our university," Shepard said, explaining she was attracted to Western New Mexico University's mariachi program.

Regents Janice Baca-Argabright and Dr. Dan Salzwedel phoned in to the meeting, while Student Regent Arlean Murillo, Foster and Walz were present in person.
The Western New Mexico University Board of Regents will meet next on campus on Friday, April 20, 2018. The meeting was scheduled around Great Race so regents can attend the traditional activities.

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