PresidioBrass RSOn Thursday, September 17th, Silver City welcomes five young men who have captivated audiences everywhere with their unique sound. Presidio Brass will perform at 7:00 p.m. in the Fine Arts Theater on the WNMU campus. Since forming in 2006, Presidio Brass has rocketed to success as the face of a bold new generation in brass entertainment. By combining a brass quintet, piano and percussion instruments with fresh, original arrangements, their sound has become a trademark for the ensemble from San Diego, California. The ensemble includes Steve O €™Connor and Dr. Timothy Tesh on trumpet, Mike McCoy on horn, Jeff Harrigan on trombone, and Scott Sutherland on tuba and piano.

Through their touring show of Hollywood €™s greatest hits, Sounds of the Cinema, these five young men present film music with a good dose of wit and humor that together have become hallmarks of every Presidio Brass performance. The show has been enjoyed internationally, members of the Presidio Brass have performed with major symphony orchestras, including the Los Angeles Philharmonic, Las Vegas Philharmonic, Pacific Symphony and San Diego Symphony, and they have shared the stage with commercial and pop artists that include Stevie Wonder, Natalie Cole, Quincy Jones and more. When not on tour, they continue to perform with orchestras, maintain private teaching studios at local universities, arrange and compose new music, assist with public school music programs, and operate an annual summer music camp for students of all ages.

Each member of the ensemble began his music career by joining his school €™s band program. Inspired by the dedication of their school music teachers, Presidio Brass came together with the primary mission to promote music education and music appreciation in youngsters. On the day of the concert, Presidio Brass will present an Educational Outreach program especially for children from area schools at 10:30 a.m. in the WNMU Fine Arts Theater. This event is entirely free of charge to the children and their accompanying teachers.

Subscriptions for the full Community Concert six-concert season can be purchased online at or in the lobby at the time of the concert for only $55.

For non-GCCCA subscribers, tickets to the concert are $20 for adults and $5 for students to age 17 not accompanied by an adult ticket holder. Students coming with an adult ticket holder are admitted free of charge. Tickets can be purchased at Blackwell Antiques or Western Stationers in Silver City, online at or in the lobby at the time of the concert.

For further information, call 538-5862 or go to

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