summercampGiving Local Families a break with Comedy, Improv and Acting Bootcamps!

“Drama and Emotional Learning Youth Camps and Classes return this summer for students ages 6 to 10 and up” says TheActrix Studio Founder, Wendy Spurgeon. “Last year a group of 8 young students participated in Silver City’s first “Adventures in Wisdom” Camp, designed to teach kids essential life skills such as problem-solving, decision-making, and goal-setting. We use a story-based approach to engage and educate kids, with the goal of helping them lead happier and more successful lives.” Spurgeon, and fellow instructor Hallie Harris combined forces to create a week of Mindset, SEL (Social Emotional Learning), and Drama classes.

June 17-21, and June 24-28, short workshops are offered at El Sol Theatre, 406 N. Bullard St.  These workshops include Story Wisdom Camp and Drama + SEL for ages 6-10,  Musical Theatre and Improv/Comedy Class for ages 10 and up, and Youth Improv and Acting for ages 14 and up.  Harris studied improv and acting at UW Seattle and has been teaching folks of all ages since 2013.

July 15-19, classes continue at The Hearth, 1915 N. Swan St.  A half day drama camp “The Secret Garden” for ages 6-11 will be offered by Spurgeon, as well as Shakespeare for ages 12 and up by returning instructor, Ana Trinidad.  Trinidad will continue July 22-26 with Acting Technique Bootcamp and Shakespeare for ages 14 and up. Trinidad is a graduate of Circle in the Square Theatre School, and worked as a Teaching Artist with NYC and L.A. schools.

The summer classes wrap up with a Back-to-School Mindset Bootcamp for grades 1-5, Moving to Middle School Mindset Bootcamp, and a Heading to High School Mindset Bootcamp from July 28-August 2, offered by Spurgeon, a certified Adventures in Wisdom Coach since 2021.

Enrollment is now open at

TheActrix Studio is a Limited Liability Company dedicated to serving Youth and Families through school break camps, after school and weekend play-shops, and 1:1 Growth Mindset Coaching.b

If you would like more information about this topic, please call Wendy Spurgeon at (575)297-7851, or email .

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