Friday, June 7

Suspicious vehicle
Bear Mountain Road
Caller advised a vehicle is parked partially on her roadway going to her barn and making her horses uneasy. Deputy made contact with caller and owner of the vehicle/they are leaving now/everything is okay.

Criminal damage to property
Freedom Trail – Pinos Altos
Advised a cement truck drove through his property and damaged his ditch and culvert.

Welfare check
E. Highway 180 and Racetrack Road
Male in a grey Buick Rendezvous was passed out but is now coming around. Deputy had negative contact.

Racetrack Road
A named subject is harassing caller.

Driving while intoxicated
Highway 90 – MM 21 (Continental Divide)
Silver Ford Hatchback is intoxicated and driving/she has caller's two kids in the car with her. Deputy advised en route/notify Silver. Caller advised she is probably on Truck Bypass. SCPD officer had negative contact.

Reckless driver
S. Highway 90 – MM 7 (6 miles south of Hidalgo County line)
Driving toward Lordsburg/vehicle cannot maintain lane. Deputy had negative contact/ advised Hidalgo County.

Cottage San Road
Caller advised mother is being harassed by her neighbor. Deputy advised clear/everything is okay.

Criminal damage to property
Chino Mine entrance
Caller advised an unknown employee was leaving and he noticed at 7 p.m. a crack in the windshield of his personal vehicle. Deputy gave estimated drive time from Ridge Road.

Reckless driver
Highway 180 – Arenas Valley
Two newer model Ford Mustangs driving at a high rate of speed/turned around and are now westbound/still racing/turned around at animal clinic. Deputy advised have contact just past Walmart/went traffic with vehicle.

Loud music
Prescott Street -- Santa Clara
Deputy had contact with some subjects on Prescott who advised they would turn music down a bit/negative contact with anything further.

Saturday, June 8

Domestic disturbance
Prescott Street – Santa Clara
Male and female in the parking lot fighting/can hear the female crying/male keeps trying to pull female away from the vehicle/now leaving in a grey SUV. Deputies advise female with pain to her left leg/alert and breathing normal.

Accident with injuries
Racetrack Road
EMS2 advised page EMS4 for assistance/Native 32 and 30 both declined due to duty time/check for Native 31/Native 31 also declined due to duty time/running emergency traffic. Deputy advised he and EMS stopped at a Racetrack Road address.

Welfare check
Alamo Street – Santa Clara
Advised someone is yelling and banging on the walls at this address. Deputy advised negative contact/advised back out at location.

Welfare check
Grandview Road
Caller from VA hospital in Albuquerque advised a 90-year-old male had critically low blood sugar yesterday morning and have been unable to reach him by phone. If contact is made have him call caller. Deputy advised contact with male.

Welfare check
Highway 78 – MM 8
Deputy advised passing the 8 MM with negative contact with anything.

Warm Creek Road – Lower Mimbres
Caller reporting SS fraud.

Reckless driver
Highway 152 @ T&M Dairy Road
Vehicle driving toward Silver City cannot maintain lanes. Deputy went traffic with vehicle at Highway 180 – MM 117 – Tractor Supply.

Burro Trail – Pinos Altos
Caller advised he woke up and someone stole his nanny goat.

Suicide threat
Cortez Avenue – Hurley
No report.

Loud music
Highway 15 – Pinos Altos
Deputy advised located loud music at first home/subject playing music on his phone/wasn't that loud but said he would turn it down.

Sunday, June 9

Driving while intoxicated
Highway 180 and Maple
A named male just left highly intoxicated/caller told him not to leave but he proceeded to get in his truck and leave/newer model Ram pickup. Deputies went traffic with vehicle at location/SFSTs were refused/requested next wrecker on rotation.

Welfare check
Pheasant Drive
Caller talked to friend on the phone earlier and she sounded out of it/also sounded scared/now caller cannot get a hold of her. Deputy advised female is okay.

Welfare check
Partridge Drive
Group of people in the road arguing. Deputy advised female who was causing issues left prior to arrival.

Reckless driver
Bill Evans Lake
Advised a female in a white minivan driving erratic and speeding through campsites. Deputy advised he has contact with the vehicle.

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