Thursday, August 15th -- 2:00 to 3:15 p.m. ET

For organizations that provide a range of necessary services to juveniles, finding funding sources for important programs has become a serious challenge, especially now in the face of sweeping budget reductions at both the federal and state levels.
So if you're looking for invaluable insights designed to demystify the federal and private grants process and give you a crucial leg up in the competition for juvenile justice funding, you can't afford to miss this upcoming audioconference that will help you find – and secure – the funding you need to sustain your juvenile-related programs.

As a practitioner, you probably already know that finding funding for juvenile justice-related programs can be cumbersome and extremely time-consuming. Indeed, an Internet search using the term "juvenile justice" may only turn up a few prospects -- including the Office of Juvenile Justice & Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP) at the U.S. Department of Justice, as well as a handful of private foundations. But rest assured, there is plenty of funding out there, and this 75-minute presentation will help you discover where it is and how to obtain it.

Join Ray Sweeney (veteran grants consultant and senior federal grants researcher for Federal & Foundation Assistance Monitor) and Frank Klimko (senior federal grants researcher for Children & Youth Funding Report and Private Grants Alert) as they discuss a plethora of topics, including:

The Principles and Goals Guiding OJJDP Funding
"Outside-the-Box” Federal Opportunities
When to Expect Funding Solicitations
Leading State Efforts & How to Adapt Them
Leading Funders Behind State Activities and How to Join the Efforts
Foundation Funding Sources
Corporate Funding Sources
And many more!

Register now for only $189 to benefit from this information-packed discussion and not only will you be able to email us in advance with topics you want covered, but there will be a live Q&A session following the presentation so you can get live answers to your questions. Plus, all attendees will have the ability to contact our presenter with their questions anytime after the event -- all with no airfare, no hotel costs and no missed days of work.

Join us 2-3:15 p.m. EDT, Aug. 15, for "Securing Funds for Your Juvenile Justice Program", a live audio conference tailored to help you find and secure the funding you need to sustain your juvenile-related programs.

Finding New Federal and Private Funding for Domestic Violence Programs
Join us to learn how can you find more support for your organization's programs helping women, men, children and families affected by domestic violence.

New Strategies for Winning Corporate Funding - Join us for an information-packed audio conference designed to help you win a share of the billions of dollars corporate givers make available each year.

The Fundamentals of Foundation Grant Writing - This hands-on course, geared specifically towards working adults who want to become grantwriters, takes you step-by-step through writing an actual foundation grant application -- one that you can submit with confidence at the completion of the course, knowing you've been aided by a veteran grants professional.

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