Las Cruces, NM - Today, Governor Susana Martinez announced CyraCom will create up to 100 new jobs in Las Cruces as it expands to meet growing demand. CyraCom hired its first round of new employees this summer and will hire up to a total of 100 new employees in the next few months expanding its Las Cruces operations to 200 employees.

"We're proud to have partners like CyraCom as we continue to diversify New Mexico's economy," said Governor Martinez. "As our state becomes more business friendly, we're growing our private sector and creating more jobs for our families."

CyraCom has been doing business in Las Cruces for 10 years and provides translation services by telephone, video, and on-site at client locations. Clients include industries as diverse as hospitals, banks, insurance, entertainment, and government. The company plans to apply for New Mexico's Job Training Incentive Program (JTIP).

"JTIP is one of our best expansion and recruitment tools, and it once again proves to be creating jobs in our state and providing New Mexicans additional skills that will stay with them throughout their careers," said Economic Development Cabinet Secretary Jon Barela, whose department oversees the JTIP program.

CyraCom's expansion comes on the heels of New Mexico's 35th consecutive month of year-over-year job growth. Governor Martinez also recently made JTIP a more permanent part of the state budget and secured an additional $7.5 million in funding for the program that helps companies hire and train more New Mexicans.

"MVEDA is excited about CyraCom's growth and will assist them along the way as they grow their workforce and hire New Mexicans," said Davin Lopez, president & CEO of Mesilla Valley Economic Development Alliance. "This is another great private-sector employer that has recently expanded in Las Cruces, and we wish them continued success in our state."

Candidates may apply at CyraCom boasts the resources of a large company with the flexibility and excitement of a start-up. It celebrates a diverse workforce and encourages employees' professional and personal growth, including tuition reimbursement and internal promotions.

"CyraCom is proud to be part of the Las Cruces community," said Best Ihegborow, Vice President Contact Center Operations for CyraCom. "We appreciate the supportive, business friendly attitude created by Governor Martinez's administration, and we are looking forward to continuing to grow and adding to our team."

CyraCom is the leading provider of language interpreting services and employs thousands of interpreters - more than the United Nations. Whether in-person or via phone, video, mobile app, or written text, CyraCom bridges communication gaps for organizations that need rapid access language assistance. The company supports hundreds of languages and operates 24/7. CyraCom impacts the lives of millions by connecting those with limited English proficiency to essential services - healthcare, 9-1-1, finance and more.

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