Santa Fe, N.M. – Today, Representative Javier Martínez (D-Albuquerque) was elected to be the new House Majority Floor Leader by the New Mexico House Democratic Caucus.  

Rep. Martínez will take over the role vacated by the resignation of Rep. Sheryl Williams Stapleton, and will hold the position until the start of the next 60-day legislative session in January 2023.  

Rep. Martínez is serving his fourth term in the New Mexico House, first elected in 2014 to represent District 11 in Bernalillo County. Martínez has served as Chair of the House Taxation and Revenue Committee, and has also served on the House Commerce & Economic Development Committee, the House Rules & Order of Business Committee, and Legislative Finance Committee, in addition to being Vice Chair of the Interim Revenue Stabilization & Tax Policy Committee.  

“I am honored and humbled that my colleagues have put their faith in me and selected me to serve as their new Majority Floor Leader,” said Rep. Martínez. 

“As a first-generation American, raised in New Mexico, I know the unique strengths of our communities and the challenges they face. I look forward to the increased responsibility and opportunity of this role to move our caucus, legislature, and state forward in a way that’s truly representative of New Mexico’s diverse communities.”  

“During his service in the legislature and beyond, Rep. Martínez has proven himself to be a champion of equality and a tireless advocate for hardworking New Mexicans across our state,” said Speaker of the House Brian Egolf (D-Santa Fe). “He will make an excellent addition to our leadership team, helping us advance vital legislation that addresses the root causes of poverty and crime, grows and diversifies our economy, tackles climate change, and creates a fairer state for all New Mexicans.”  

“Rep. Martínez is a principled leader whose unparalleled commitment to his values, district, and our great state of New Mexico has resulted in the passage of some of the most transformative legislation in state history,” said Majority Whip Doreen Gallegos (D-Las Cruces). “It has been a tremendous pleasure serving alongside Rep. Martínez and seeing his growth as a legislator over the years. I am confident in his abilities to lead our caucus so we can continue delivering the policies New Mexico’s hardworking families deserve.” 

“Rep. Martinez has a proven track record of delivering the kinds of bold solutions our communities need to overcome the immense challenges they face,” said Caucus Chair D. Wonda Johnson (D-Church Rock). “With Rep. Martínez, we have a leader with the expertise and abilities necessary to move New Mexico forward.” 

Rep. Martínez attended Albuquerque Public Schools and earned his Juris Doctorate from the University of New Mexico Law School. As a social impact lawyer and community organizer, Rep. Martinez has worked alongside Albuquerque’s historic Barelas, Wells Park, and Sawmill communities for 20 years, where he has developed a reputation as an effective consensus builder, tough negotiator, and a fierce advocate for working families. He was a lead sponsor of several key bills passed in the 2021 session, including cannabis legalization and expungement, tax fairness reforms, and a constitutional amendment to make transformational investments in New Mexico’s early childhood education programs. 

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