WASHINGTON, D.C. — This Wednesday, August 24, 2022, U.S. Representative Yvette Herrell (NM-02) will join the America First Policy Institute (AFPI) and America First Works (AFW) in Las Cruces, New Mexico, for a town hall event in our newest cross-country series, America First Agenda Town Halls. 

Rep. Herrell will be joined by Chad Wolf, former Acting Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security, Executive Director of AFPI, and Chair of AFPI's Center for Homeland Security and Immigration; Matt Whitaker, former Acting Attorney General of the United States and Co-Chair of AFPI's Center of Law & Justice; and Ashley Hayek, Executive Director at America First Works. They will discuss the current state of our country's immigration system and border security, safety in our communities and how it is affecting American families, the current state of our country's economy, and how our country should move forward. This town hall will be open to the public and the media. 

"Our country has suffered during the past 18 months with a historic border crisis, skyrocketing inflation, and uncontrollable crime rates, all fueled by the failed policies of the Biden Administration. By discarding effective policies that put the American people first, we have witnessed an out-of-touch Washington, D.C., become even more aloof from the real problems Americans are facing," said Chad Wolf. "While this administration has no new ideas on how to address the issues plaguing our country, America First patriots like Congresswoman Yvette Herrell have workable solutions that empower and protect the American people, and we are proud to be hosting this town hall with her to continue building on the work of the America First Agenda."

"Our broken border and rampant crime are two of the biggest threats facing our Nation today, and they are only getting worse under the Biden Administration and radical Left politicians across the country," said Representative Herrell. "I'm excited to hold this town hall with AFPI so that hardworking Americans can voice their concerns, discuss solutions, and join the fight to take our country back!"   

Date: Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Time: 5:00 p.m. MDT

Location: New Mexico Farm & Ranch Heritage Museum
                4100 Dripping Springs Road
                 Las Cruces, NM 88011

***Confirmation to follow 24 hours before the event***


About the America First Policy Institute: 

AFPI is a 501(C)(3) non-profit, non-partisan research institute focused on advancing policies that put the American people first. AFPI is led by senior leaders from the Trump Administration: Linda McMahon, Chair of the Board and former Administrator of the Small Business Administration; Larry Kudlow, Vice-Chair, former Director of the National Economic Council; and Brooke Rollins, President and CEO, and former Director of the Domestic Policy Council and Chief White House Strategist. Since its inception in 2021, the America First Policy Institute team proudly includes nine former Cabinet-level officials, three former Governors, and nearly fifty former Senior White House and Administration officials. More information about AFPI and its 21 research centers can be found at

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