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{{/_source.additionalInfo}}You'll receive the Update on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.
By Roger Lanse
A Santa Clara Police Department officer was dispatched to 610 N. East Street on Saturday, Mar. 16, 2024, at approximately 5:19 p.m. to a disturbance call. When the officer arrived at the address, he was met by the 48-year-old male victim, who stated his nephew, Matias Marquez, 23, of Santa Clara, was "destroying his house," declaring his nephew "threw a crazy and started breaking things in his house." The victim told the officer, Marquez had lived at this address prior but had been kicked out a 'few months ago' and had been living at the homeless shelter. He returned yesterday.
Photos by Lynn Janes
Article by Mary Alice Murphy
The Silver City-Grant County Chamber of Commerce held its monthly luncheon on March 7, 2024. Julie Halbig of the New Mexico Mortgage Finance Authority served as featured speaker.
Halbig, NMMFA director of compliance and initiatives, said the agency is reaching out all over the state "because we know that housing, and affordable housing in particular, is impacting all our communities. It will take all of us together to be the solution."
By Lynn Janes
The Silver City Town Council held a regular meeting February 27, 2024. Attendance to the meeting included Mayor Ken Ladner, council members included Guadalupe Cano, Rudy Bencomo, Nicholas Prince, and Stan Snider.
The council approved the agenda with one change. They will table the mayor's appointment to planning and zoning commission. Snider wanted to know why, and Cano said they had changes coming and wanted to hold off. Snider voted against the change.
Southern Gila Foothills/Mimbres Valley-
Southwest Desert/Lower Gila River Valley-Lowlands of the Bootheel-
Southwest Desert/Mimbres Basin-
Including the cities of Hurley, Faywood, Grant County Airport,
Lordsburg, Red Rock, Virden, Antelope Wells, Animas, Hachita,
Deming, and Columbus
543 PM MDT Fri Mar 15 2024
High wind warning in Hildago, Luna and Dona Ana Counties, visibility may be low in areas due to blowing dust. High profile vehicles please use caution. The NMDOT will continue monitoring the roadway. This event will be updated as conditions change.
Photo and article by Mary Alice Murphy
At an Allingham-Golding American Legion Post 18 meeting on March 13, 2023, the Beat learned from Art Sierra of the Fort Bayard Disabled American Veterans Chapter 1 that the organization had been the charity of the month at The Silver City Food Co-op.
Sierra said they had received more than $1,000 from the Rounding up program, which rounds people's cash register totals up to the next dollar.
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