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 On March 10, 2024 at approximately 11:14 A.M., deputies responded to the area of 97 Quail Run Road, in regards to a non-responsive five-year-old female. Deputies did perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation while waiting for EMS. Life-saving measures performed on the five-year-old child were unsuccessful. Another child, seven years of age, was transported by ambulance to Gila Regional Medical Center for various medical concerns.
Grant County Sheriff's Detectives were called to the scene and an active investigation is ongoing.
If anyone has any information relating to this case, please contact the Grant County Sheriff's Office at 575-574-0100 or Central Dispatch at 575-388-8840
Photo and article by Mary Alice Murphy
At the meeting held Feb. 28, 2024, Gila Regional Medical Center Board of Trustees Chair Dr. Fred Fox invited board members to read the mission, vision and values, and said the three are what drives the oversight of the hospital.
"In addition, the Hospital Funding Act cites as its purpose: To provide appropriate and adequate hospital facilities for the sick of the county," Fox quoted.
This editor has decided to start a new category, which is listed under the Community menu tab as Citizen Journalist.
Citizen Journalist is a new category for the Grant County Beat. It will contain photos and information about our community. It will not be used for advertising. The content is purely from you, the readers, and does not reflect the opinions of this publication or the editor.Â
However, all publication of materials will be at the discretion of the editor. The contributor grants permission to The Beat for us to reuse the photos or information at our discretion and photo and/or authorship credit will be included in other uses.Â
The Beat totally appreciates the tips, the suggestions, the photos, etc. that you share with the Beat. Now you have a chance to have your name and photos and short articles published for all to see.Â
We hope you enjoy this new feature.
Photos and article by Lynn Janes
On March 8, 2024, at 9:00 am, many local officials, residents, and students came together to celebrate the groundbreaking of the new recreation center that will be located on 32nd Street and Silver Street behind the La Bonita Bakery. Although the morning was brisk and cold many people showed up to celebrate the long planned and anticipated project.
Priscilla Lucero, Southwest New Mexico Council of Governments executive director, opened the ceremony and welcomed everyone. They started with the presentation of colors, pledge of allegiance and salute to the New Mexico flag.
Located: The Luna County Sheriff's Office is asking the public for assistance in locating Joshua Schenk. He was last seen on March 8. 2024, around 9:30 p.m. in Deming, NM. He was last seen wearing a gray shirt, blue jeans, and black shoes. His direction of travel and destination are unknown. Anyone with information on the whereabouts of Joshua Schenk is asked to contact the Luna County Sheriff's Office at 575-546-2655 or dial 911.
WARNING: All articles and photos with a byline or photo credit are copyrighted to the author or photographer. You may not use any information found within the articles without asking permission AND giving attribution to the source. Photos can be requested and may incur a nominal fee for use personally or commercially.
Disclaimer: If you find errors in articles not written by the Beat team but sent to us from other content providers, please contact the writer, not the Beat. For example, obituaries are always provided by the funeral home or a family member. We can fix errors, but please give details on where the error is so we can find it. News releases from government and non-profit entities are posted generally without change, except for legal notices, which incur a small charge.
NOTE: If an article does not have a byline, it was written by someone not affiliated with the Beat and then sent to the Beat for posting.
Images: We have received complaints about large images blocking parts of other articles. If you encounter this problem, click on the title of the article you want to read and it will take you to that article's page, which shows only that article without any intruders.
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It has come to this editor's attention that people are sending information to the Grant County Beat Facebook page. Please be aware that the editor does not regularly monitor the page. If you have items you want to send to the editor, please send them to editor@grantcountybeat.com. Thanks!
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