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{{/_source.additionalInfo}}Our annual 4-H Posole fundraiser is BACK! Stop by the extension office and get yours while supplies last!
Also thank you to 2025 4-H Council President Elect Chris Bennet and 2025 4-H Council V.P Elect Bella Lopez for making the commercial for the radio station 102.9!
See flyer below
SILVER CITY, NM—This year marks the twentieth anniversary of the founding of the WNMU Student Symposium, which was held Wednesday, December 4 and Thursday, December 5, 2024. The symposium, which provides a showcase for student academic and creative achievement, took place in the J. Cloyd Miller Library.
Occurring in conjunction with the symposium was a Career Expo that brought to campus a number of area employers. Students had an opportunity to learn about working for the various employers and about openings available.
Father Christmas will be on hand to hear the holiday wishes of all good girls and boys at the Silver City Museum's 40th Annual Victorian Christmas and More celebrationSilver City -- It's that magical time of year once again, when the Silver City Museum celebrates the holidays with the 40th Victorian Christmas and More event on Saturday, December 14, from 11 am to 3:30 pm in the museum courtyard. Holiday revelers will enjoy a variety of free family activities and live entertainment throughout the day, and several local vendors will be on site, offering a wide selection of locally made and handcrafted items for sale, just in time for holiday gift-giving.
"We are so happy once again to be hosting one of the region's most popular holiday events," said Museum Director Bart Roselli. "Victorian Christmas and More has been a Silver City tradition for forty years now, and our goal is to offer a mix of the many ways in which we as a community celebrate this season."
Make 2025 the year you finally write a novel! Have you always wanted to write a novel, but somehow shied away from it? Perhaps it was because you didn't know where to start it. Or maybe how to structure it. Or how to keep it going. Wouldn't you like to make 2025 the year you finally achieved the goal of writing your first novel?
Kris Neri will present the next workshop in The Write Stuff writing series, a 2-hour talk: Moving from Premise to Plot: Novel Structure. It will be offered on Saturday, January 11, from 10 am - noon, at the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Silver City, 3845 N Swan St, Silver City, NM.
Nationally-published, award-winning author and writing instructor, Kris Neri, will share the basic principles of story, taking it step-by-step through the concept of the central problem, through novel structure, addressing the elusive hidden story principle — and generally showing writers how to move from premise to a plot that's ready to write. Memoir writers should find the workshop equally useful.
Kris Neri teaches writing online for the prestigious Writers' Program of the UCLA Extension School and other organizations. A Silver City resident, Kris writes the humorous Tracy Eaton mysteries, featuring the daughter of eccentric Hollywood stars, and the Samantha Brennan & Annabelle Haggerty magical series, which features a questionable psychic who teams up with a modern goddess-FBI agent, as well as thrillers, and general fiction. A multi-award honored writer, Kris is a five-time New Mexico-Arizona Book Award winner. Read more about her writing at: https://krisneriauthor.wordpress.com/
Driving through downtown Silver City, or heading over to City of Rocks State Park, the Gila Cliff Dwellings, or the Catwalk Recreation Center, you’ll see an abundance of out-of-state license plates. And the reason is two-fold – interest in small mountain towns post-pandemic is rising and the year-round tourism marketing of the region is working.
Tourism in Silver City and Grant County, New Mexico, has been experiencing a significant boom in recent years, driven by several key factors that make it increasingly attractive to a diverse range of visitors. The region's appeal has been growing due to its natural beauty, unique cultural experiences, and efforts to promote sustainable tourism and outdoor recreation. Here are several reasons and the key messaging that is used in the area’s tourism marketing.
15% Off Silver City Flights
The wait is over—Travel Tuesday has arrived! Whether you're planning a getaway to the mountains, the desert, or the coast, we’ve got the perfect deal to make your trip unforgettable.
Enjoy exclusive discounts on flights for select routes:
Silver City (SVC): 15% Off – Use code: TRAVELTUESDAYSVC
📆 Booking Details:
Book by: December 4, 2024 at 11:59 PM (PST)
Silver City -Assistant Town Manager James Marshall to retire Dec. 31, 2024.- James Marshall, assistant town manager, has announced that he will retire at the end of the year, ending a decade in that position. He is the first of several senior managers who are expected to retire from town employment in the next few years, along with Town Manager Alex Brown, whose current contract expires in 2026.
When asked why he has chosen to step down at this time, he simply replied, "It's time." Marshall also served as mayor of Silver City from 2006 to 2014, the longest, continuous public service record as mayor since the 1940s, broken only by Mayor Ken Ladner, who has served in that role since 2016, and will complete 10 years of service at the end of his term.
"I've been so fortunate to work with James, and as a successful mayor himself, I have often relied on him for advice," said Ladner. "He's someone I've turned to help with projects, such as the "Welcome to Silver City" signs, the Pick it Up and Toss No Mas anti-litter initiative, the new recreation center, as well as other issues that come up when you're working closely with the public. James can always be counted on to follow through on his word. I really appreciate him for that, and am honored to call him my friend."
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