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{{/_source.additionalInfo}}Did you know that nearly every business in the U.S. has to file a Beneficial Ownership Information report with Financial Crimes Enforcement by the end of the year?
This editor just found out about it. And a local business owner who did know about said she has been talking to business people about it all year, and nearly all of them do not know about this requirement. If it's not done, it is a $500-a-day fine.
https://boiefiling.fincen.gov/ or https://www.fincen.gov/boi
Editorial on this subject at https://www.grantcountybeat.com/editorials/editorial/business-required-report-a-new-federal-boondoggle
DJs Nicki Eleck (left) and Desha Epps in the broadcast studio of Gila/Mimbres Community Radio – KURU 89.1 FM.The New Mexico Local News Fund has awarded up to $7,500 to match donations to Gila/Mimbres Community Radio – KURU 89.1 FM, dollar for dollar, during the month of December, 2024. The station will launch its holiday fundraiser on Tuesday, December 3, which is Giving Tuesday, the international day of generosity toward nonprofits that serve their communities. The GMCR Board of Directors announced that local donors have stepped up with additional matching grants, so that each dollar donated initially will bring two additional dollars to the station. Donors are invited to visit the station, enjoy light refreshments, and meet volunteers and members of the Board on December 3, 10-5.
Winning tickets were drawn at the November 13, 2024 Chapter 1 Meeting.
1st prize the .243 Ruger hunting rifle was won by Lita Perez of Silver City.
2nd prize the electric smoker was won by Sonny Lorea of California, formerly of Grant County.
3rd prize, a $100 Walmart gift card was won by Dale Russel of Eagle Eye Fencing.
DAV Chapter 1 would like to thank all the generous people of southwest New Mexico, Rio Mimbres Armory, the Silver City Knights of Columbus, and Jim Lee Enterprises for their generous support that made this 2024-25 fundraising event a success.
[Editor's Note: This is the entirety of the GBIC minutes as written and sent to the Beat by Secretary B.J. Agnew.]
The November 20, 2024, meeting of the Gila Basin Irrigation Commission was called to order by Secretary BJ Agnew per on-line orders of Chair David Ogilvie at 6:00 pm in the Conference Room at Amplified Therapy, Cliff, New Mexico.
Present: Destre Shelley, Rose Shoemaker, Harley Allsup, Esker Mayberry, Gregor Hamilton, Wendel Hann, Peter Russell, BJ Agnew. And, via Zoom, David Ogilvie, Donita Blankenship, Maya Clifford.
The Grant County Cattle Growers have been donating beef to the Grant County schools for around twenty-five years. This year the organization with fundraising efforts and partnering with other donors was able to purchase the Grand Champion Steer owned and shown by Sam McDonald at the Cliff-Gila Grant County Fair. Other donors were, 5R North in Arenas Valley, Thomas Shelley, and Gabe Ramos.
The beef will be used by the students in the home economics and culinary arts classes. Students will learn skills needed to prepare beef that can be used at home preparing meals for their families, competitions, and in future work environments.
Beef was given to Emmarie Flores from Silver High School (shown with Leslie Crumbley Sec/Treas. of Cattle Growers), Misty Pugmire for El Grito Head Start, Ryan McCauley President of Grant County Cattle Growers is shown with Ryann and John Tedford picking up beef for Cliff Schools teacher Stephanie Tedford, Debbie Door and DeShae Murphy for Calvery Christian Academy and Lynette Parra with Jason Borrego for Snell Middle School.
WNMU Nursing students present their research through a poster presentation during the 19th Academic and Research Symposium, November 29, 2023The 20th WNMU Academic and Research Symposium and Career Expo will be held December 4-5, 2024. Students of all disciplines will present projects that pertain to research, public service, creative endeavors, and technology. The steering committee also encourages exhibits of scholarship and teaching along with any other innovative ideas and creative works for the education and enjoyment of the WNMU community and the public. The symposium will include individual and group presentations and will be held in J. Cloyd Miller Library, 9:00 AM – 2:00 PM.
Iris DeMent
Wednesday, December 4
Fine Arts Center Theatre
Iris DeMent is an American singer-songwriter and musician. DeMent's musical style includes elements of folk, country and gospel.
Single Socks, a Silver City non-profit thrift store, announced that it has awarded $51,500 – the largest amount in its 15-year history – in grants to five Grant County anti-hunger organizations and one public school, according to a news release issued by the store. The grants were awarded as part of the organization's Fall 2024 Grant Cycle.
Since its inception in 2009, Single Socks has given away over $660,000 to local food pantries, prepared meals, schools, and other food distribution organizations that serve families in need.
The $51,500 in grant awards is the largest amount in the store's history, according to the news release. Jeff Goin, board president of Single Socks, says that this giving is the result of a collective effort.
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