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{{/_source.additionalInfo}}Silver and Cobre schools promote and serve NM grown food
(Silver City) – State officials are honoring Silver City Consolidated Schools, Cobre Consolidated School District and Frontier Food Hub for connecting students to locally grown food through the NM Grown program. The Grant County awardees earned awards in the Golden Chile Awards Program for buying and serving locally grown food, providing tasting opportunities, supporting student-led gardens, and educating students about the importance of healthy nutrition.
[Editor's Note: This ad did not fit any of the Beat sizes, so his team created a smaller one, which links to this one.]
Diana Ingalls Leyba is one of seven others recognized by the governor. She has been very involved in the community for years and most notably working with the youth on murals all over town. See below for full information, place and time of award
Lael Wilcox near Silver City during the 2015 Tour Divide race. Courtesy of Tour of the Gila photographer Mitchell Clinton.Presented by Hidalgo Medical Services
Guest to join recreational ride on Saturday, October 12, in southwest New Mexico
SILVER CITY, NM – Ultra-endurance cyclist Lael Wilcox recently pedaled around the globe in 108 days. Next, she will inspire fellow participants in the Gila Monster Gran Fondo presented by Hidalgo Medical Services on Saturday, October 12, in Silver City, New Mexico.
Katie Poirier is the new Director of Food Security and Sustainability at WNMU. Prior to joining the university, she built sustainable farm-to-school programs in Arizona and ColoradoSILVER CITY, NM—Katie Poirier, the new Director of Food Security and Sustainability at Western New Mexico University, is ramping up for a busy fall semester. In October, Poirier expects a new greenhouse to arrive on campus, the centerpiece of a campus garden being developed on a plot of land on the WNMU Silver City campus.
The new food security and sustainability initiative was launched by WNMU President Joseph Shepard late in 2023 at a well-attended and lively Town Hall event. The initiative is backed by a generous donation from WNMU Regent Vice President Lyndon Haviland and her husband, Thomas Neff.
Poirier, who most recently served as Executive Director of the Growe Foundation in Boulder County, Colorado, is a graduate of Arizona State University, where she received a BA in sustainability with a concentration in urban dynamics and an MS in sustainable food systems.
Poirier is not daunted by taking on a project of the scale WNMU is launching. "I have done vacant lot transformation projects before, so this is right up my professional alley," she said.
SILVER CITY, NM – Western New Mexico University (WNMU) proudly announces its 2024 Alumni Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony, taking place on Friday, October 4th, at Light Hall. The event begins with a reception at 2:00 PM, followed by the formal induction ceremony at 3:00 PM. This annual event celebrates the achievements of WNMU alumni who have made significant contributions to their communities, professions, and alma mater.
This year, WNMU will honor the following alumni:
MANCHESTER, NH (09/25/2024)-- Diego Esqueda of SilverCity (88061) has been named to Southern New Hampshire University's Summer 2024 Dean's List. The summer terms run from May to August.
Full-time undergraduate students who have earned a minimum grade-point average of 3.500 to 3.699 for the reporting term are named to the Dean's List. Full-time status is achieved by earning 12 credits over each 16-week term or paired 8-week terms grouped in fall, winter/spring, and summer.
Gila Basin Irrigation Commission
September 16, 2024
By B.J. Agnew
[Editor's Note: The "we" and "us" in the minutes refer to the GBIC .]
Gila Basin Irrigation Chair David Ogilvie Commission called the September 16, 2024, meeting to order at 6:05 pm at the conference Room at Amplified Therapy, Cliff, New Mexico.
Present: Destre Shelley, Wendel Hann, Martha Cooper, Jubal Williamson, Neil Kaspar, David Ogilvie, Lindy Williamson, Don Stailey, Linda Stailey, Jennifer Kaspar, Peter Russell, Gregor Hamilton, Lester Ivins, Rose Shoemaker, BJ Agnew. And, via Zoom, Priscilla Lucero, Maya Clifford, and Autumn Bruton.
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