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{{/_source.additionalInfo}}These releases come from other sources than the Grant County Beat. This category will include events in and news releases from Grant, Catron, Hidalgo and Luna counties.
Silver City Mayor Ken Ladner would like to invite your input, ideas and inspirations toward making our town even better than it already is.
The next "Monday Meeting With The Mayor" will be at The Tranquilbuzz Coffee House, which is located at 300 N. Arizona Street on the corner of Arizona and Yankie Streets in Historic Downtown Silver City. Drop by anytime Monday, January 20, 2025 between 8:00 AM to 11:00 AM.
All are invited to stop by anytime between 8:00 AM to 11:00 AM. and share your insights and ideas with Mayor Ladner.
And, enjoy a soda or cup of coffee, compliments of the mayor.
Bart Roselli, Executive Director of the Silver City Museum, will update the club on programs, events and plans for the museum. Mr. Roselli has a background of education and employment in museum and zoo management.
The museum opened in 1967 as a department of the Town of Silver City. It offers exhibitions, educational programs for all ages, community-wide events, a quarterly newsletter, and a gift store offering regional crafts, local history books, and southern New Mexico souvenir items. It is also a steward for a vast collection of historical objects.
Prevent wildfires over the long weekend – conditions are extremely dry
SILVER CITY, NM, Jan. 14, 2025 – All offices of the Gila National Forest will be closed next Monday, January 20, in observance of the federal holiday celebrating the birthday of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Normal office hours will resume on Tuesday, Jan. 21.
Dr. King was a passionate advocate for the application of nonviolent protest to end racial segregation in the United States. He was instrumental in the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965. He was a recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964, before his assassination in 1968. Celebrated for the first time in January 1986, the federal holiday in his honor recognizes these positive influences on American society.
The Silver City Public Library will host Ty Oliver, District Fire Management Officer, to speak about how the Forest Service works with other entities to respond to wildfires. The information session will be Friday, January 17, 3:00pm, and will cover wildfire spotting, what resources are mobilized, how teams are organized and led, incident types, and suppression techniques.
"It is interesting and helpful to know how wildfire suppression works in our area, and we are glad to host this session before the fire season starts in earnest," said Lillian Galloway, library assistant director. "This information session will be an excellent complement to the 'Fire History and Management on the Gila' Lunch and Learn that the Western Institute of Lifelong Learning is hosting on Wednesday, January 15."
For more information call the library at (575) 538-3672 or email at
Thin ice presents a very real risk of falling into frigid water
QUEMADO, NM, January 13, 2025 – A relatively warm winter with little snow has created dangerously thin ice on Quemado Lake, threatening the safety of anyone walking out on it. The Gila National Forest strongly advises against ice fishing or going on the ice for any reason.
"I've heard reports of people ice fishing on Quemado Lake, which is not safe at this time, due to thin ice conditions," said Quemado District Ranger Randall Chavez. "I would ask anyone visiting Quemado Lake to remember that your safety is a concern and avoid treading on the ice."
For more information contact Maribeth Pecotte at 575-388-8211 or
LOCATION, NM, Jan. 13, 2025 – The Gila National Forest, Reserve Ranger District is preparing to burn accumulated slash at the SU and Gilita community slash disposal sites and 427 acres of post-timber sale slash piles resulting from the Doe Gun timber sale. These prescribed fire activities are expected to begin as early as Wednesday, January 15 and continue through the end of March as weather and fuels conditions and resource availability allow.
"Community slash disposal sites provide a free place for landowners to dispose of hazardous fuels that have been cut and removed from private lands. The materials at these sites are periodically burned by the Gila National Forest. This is an essential community service provided by the Gila National Forest in support of Catron County's Firewise program," said Acting Reserve District Ranger Bret Ruff. "Burning slash piles resulting from the Doe Gun timber sale completes this forest treatment, removing fuels that could otherwise feed a damaging wildfire."
January 13, 2025 (Deming, New Mexico) Luna County is excited to announce a comprehensive CDL (Commercial Driver's License) and fork lift operator training class, set to begin February 5, 2025, at the Mimbres Learning Center in Deming. This ten week program is designed to equip participants with the skills and certifications needed for high-demand driving and logistics careers.
Qualified participants can take advantage of a tuition reimbursement program that covers up to $6000, making this an incredible opportunity for those eager to enter the workforce. CDL drivers are in high demand and can earn top wages, while forklift operators will find numerous job opportunities across various industries.
January 19, at 10:00 am, 3845 North Swan Street – "The Hearth"
Emily Aversa, the Community Engagement Administrator for The Hearth, will speak about this new nonprofit's mission and vision and will describe how area residents are invited to participate in shaping it. She will also lead a discussion on the role of community spaces and their potential to counterbalance the epidemic of loneliness and disconnection that many are experiencing at this time.
The Hearth is housed in the former First Presbyterian Church on Swan Street in Silver City. The Presbytery of the Southwest continues to own the building, but has given it to the leadership group for use and stewardship because they believe in the mission. The group seeks to provide rest, restoration, and reconnection for all who are weary. This involves partnering with local groups who share Hearth values, which include abundance, rest, community, collaboration, transparency, and acceptance of all people regardless of identities.
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